[artinfo] Call for artists - A Virtual Memorial
Adele Eisenstein
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 12:35:31 +0100
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 11:32:13 +0100
From: Agricola de Cologne <nc-agricowi@netcologne.de>
Subject: [spectre] Call for artists
A Virtual Memorial
in cooperation with
le Musee di-visioniste
invites artists for participating
Call for artists - Deadline 30. April 2002
Since artists started to reflect about their environment -
self-reflection became an important aspect in their working.
Therefore nobody will be surprised that the self-portrait belongs
to those formats artist are using which produce
the artistically most qualitative results :
from the critical view through the "mirror at the bottom".
"Mirror at the bottom - artists portraiting themselves"
is the theme of the new online project.
Artists of all kinds of disciplines and media are invited to participate.
All kinds of aspects and forms of representation are welcome, from
conventional drawing, painting or photography until experimental ways of
net art, poetry,
sound pieces etc.
1.jpg for image (max. 800x600 pixels)
2. .mov for video (Quicktime movie, size max 600x480 pixels, 2Mb)
3. animated gif (size max 320x240 pixels) and
.swf (Shockwave Flash, size max. 600x480 pixels, 2Mb) for animations
4. html pages may include Javascript or embedded Java Applets (mx 2Mb),
Shockwave Flash or Quicktime.
5. .mp3 for sound
6. .doc (Rich text Format) and .txt or email for text/words
7. URLs of works, which may have embedded JavaApplets, Shockwave Flash or
Up to 3 works can be submitted,
however only *one* from a certain working or life period.
For submitting please go to
A Virtual Memorial site www.a-virtual-memorial.org
fill out this form:
Name of artist
Short CV (to be published) not more than 250 words
Title of works
year of origin
used media of original work
submitted format of digital work
and send it together with the media files
exclusively to
All submissions corresponding to this conception will be included.
****Deadline is 30 April 2002****
A Virtual Memorial will show this project as Featured Project
during July- Ausgust 2002 and
Le Musee di-visioniste will show the project as
Featured Project in September/October 2002.
Best regards from,
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
corporate members of
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- <br>
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 11:32:13 +0100 <br>
From: Agricola de Cologne <nc-agricowi@netcologne.de> <br>
Subject: [spectre] Call for artists<br><br>
A Virtual Memorial <br>
in cooperation with <br>
le Musee di-visioniste<br><br>
invites artists for participating <br>
************************************* <br>
Call for artists - Deadline 30. April 2002<br><br>
Since artists started to reflect about their environment - <br>
self-reflection became an important aspect in their working.<br><br>
Therefore nobody will be surprised that the self-portrait belongs <br>
to those formats artist are using which produce <br>
the artistically most qualitative results : <br>
from the critical view through the "mirror at the
"Mirror at the bottom - artists portraiting themselves" <br>
is the theme of the new online project.<br><br>
Artists of all kinds of disciplines and media are invited to
All kinds of aspects and forms of representation are welcome, from <br>
conventional drawing, painting or photography until experimental ways of
net art, poetry, <br>
sound pieces etc.<br><br>
*** <br>
1.jpg for image (max. 800x600 pixels) <br>
2. .mov for video (Quicktime movie, size max 600x480 pixels, 2Mb) <br>
3. animated gif (size max 320x240 pixels) and <br>
.swf (Shockwave Flash, size max. 600x480 pixels, 2Mb) for animations
4. html pages may include Javascript or embedded Java Applets (mx 2Mb),
Shockwave Flash or Quicktime. <br>
5. .mp3 for sound <br>
6. .doc (Rich text Format) and .txt or email for text/words <br>
7. URLs of works, which may have embedded JavaApplets, Shockwave Flash or
Up to 3 works can be submitted, <br>
however only *one* from a certain working or life period.<br><br>
For submitting please go to <br>
A Virtual Memorial site
<a href="http://www.a-virtual-memorial.org/" eudora="autourl"><font color="#0000FF"><u>www.a-virtual-memorial.org<br><br>
fill out this form:<br><br>
Name of artist <br>
Email <br>
Short CV (to be published) not more than 250 words<br><br>
Title of works <br>
1. <br>
2. <br>
year of origin <br>
used media of original work <br>
submitted format of digital work<br><br>
and send it together with the media files <br>
exclusively to <br>
All submissions corresponding to this conception will be
****Deadline is 30 April 2002****<br><br>
A Virtual Memorial will show this project as Featured Project <br>
during July- Ausgust 2002 and <br>
Le Musee di-visioniste will show the project as <br>
Featured Project in September/October 2002.<br><br>
Best regards from,<br><br>
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne <br>
info@a-virtual-memorial.org <br>
<font color="#0000FF"><u><a href="http://www.a-virtual-memorial.org/" eudora="autourl">www.a-virtual-memorial.org</a></u></font>
<font color="#0000FF"><u><a href="http://www.le-musee-sivisioniste.org/" eudora="autourl">www.le-musee-sivisioniste.org</a></u></font> <br>
corporate members of <br>