[artinfo] V2_: dot.nu sound & image 13/14 September 2001 (fwd)

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Thu, 6 Sep 2001 15:21:52 +0200

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Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2001 12:07:57 +0200
From: V2_Organisation <v2@v2.nl>
To: v2_info_int@z2.v2.nl
Subject: V2_: dot.nu sound & image 13/14 September 2001

Paradiso and V2_ present
dot.nu sound & image

live performance:
Ren=E9 Beekman (images) and Xavier van Wersch (sound)
=91Silent Movie for a Listening Eye=92 by Jon Wozencroft (Touch Records)
=91Temporary Broadcasts=92 by Robin Rimbaud (alias Scanner)

Thursday 13 September 2001
location: Paradiso, Weteringschans 6-8, Amsterdam
doors open: 8 pm, start: 8.30 pm
admission: =83 20,=3D (includes membership fee)

Friday 14 September 2001
location: V2_Store, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam
doors open: 8 pm, start: 8.30 pm
admission: =83 15,=3D

On Thursday 13 and Friday 14 September 2001 the third edition will be
presented of dot.nu sound & image, a joint initiative by Paradiso
(Amsterdam) and V2_ (Rotterdam).

As usual the programme consists of a unique collaborative effort by a
musician (=91sound director=92) and a visual director, exploring the
relationship between images and sounds. The collaboration will result in a
completely original co-developed image-and-sound performance that is
prepared at V2_ in Rotterdam during the week before the presentation. For
the next edition of dot.nu sound & image visual artist Ren=E9 Beekman and
musician/electronic music expert Xavier van Wersch have been invited to
join forces.

In addition to this live performance two videos will be shown in which the
relationship with music/sound is the main theme. =91Silent Movie for a
Listening Eye=92 is a new video by English graphic designer Jon Wozencroft.
=91Contemporary Broadcasts=92 is a video compilation of works that relate t=
British musician Robin Rimbaud, aka Scanner.

Ren=E9 Beekman (NL):
Beekman (1968) works as visual director in video and is also the author of
a number of articles that explore the relationship between image and sound
in the digital age. Some of his sound pieces have been released on CD.
Having finished his education at the AKI Art Academy in Enschede, Beekman
then went to IRCAM in Paris, among other places. IRCAM has a reputation as
a leading institute in the field of innovative technology that facilitates
a steadily increasing integration of image and sound. Here, Beekman was
introduced to software like Max/MSP and =91nato=92 that allows a direct
interaction between image and sound. Images directly trigger sounds, and
vice versa. As a visual director Beekman=92s choice of imagery is guided by
more or less =91musical=92 principles. =91I choose my images like a compose=
chooses instruments for their timbre, harmonics and spectrum=92. (source:
lecture =91Composing Images=92 by Beekman, published in Lier en Boog, volum=
15, Series of Philosophy of Art and Art Theory).

Xavier van Wersch (NL):
Xavier van Wersch (1976) last year obtained a degree in Sonology at the
Koninklijk Conservatorium (Royal Academy of Music) in The Hague after
having first studied philosophy and visual arts. In addition to being a
performer, instrument builder and maker of installations and tape pieces,
Van Wersch has a fascination for unstable systems that seem to have an
uncontrollable life of their own. Among other things, Van Wersch developed
the =91scream box=92 (a name referring to STEIM=92s legendary =91kraakdoos=
(crackle box)) in an attempt to build a lively instrument that offers a
more direct and more physical control over sound material than do
traditional synthesizers. He also developed the ever expanding =91220 volt
network=92, an installation in which the audience, by walking on a surface,
triggers an electric brain thereby activating all sorts of noisily
operating devices. Under the name =91Szohrg=EFr=92 Van Wersch (together wit=
h Dave
Krooshof) is also involved in creating electronic dance music. His tape
composition Odysseia has been recently released as a CD by BV Haast Publish=

Jon Wozencroft (UK):
London based graphic designer Jon Wozencroft is one of the co-founders
(together with historian Mike Harding) of the music publishing company
Touch that this year celebrates its twentieth anniversary. From its first
publications in 1981 Touch has both stimulated the imagination and
challenged the eardrums of listeners with editions that go beyond
traditional conventions of what is supposed to be music. Touch=92s
extraordinary packaging has always been the work of Wozencroft who, besides
working as a teacher, is associated with the experimental typographical
publication FUSE. At the recent Sonar Festival in Barcelona Wozencroft
designed the exhibition =91Invisible if only=85=92. Dot.nu will be presenti=
ng a
new video work by Wozencroft, entitled =91Silent Movie for a Listening Eye=

Scanner (UK):
=91Temporary Broadcasts=92 is the title of a video compilation of various w=
relating to the British musician Scanner, the alias of Robin Rimbaud. These
videos were produced in collaboration with the multimedia collective Dfuse
and director Katarina Matiasek. The synthesis between sound and the images
associated with it play an important role in this compilation. Many of the
images were shot while traveling or at least originate from travels, in the
same way as Rimbaud himself has been making =91audio snapshots=92 for years=

More information can be found at: http://www.v2.nl/dotnu
Dot.nu can also be seen live via the website http://www.v2.nl/live

Produced by V2_Organisatie (part of Las Palmas), Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012
XL Rotterdam and Paradiso, Weteringschans 6-8, 1017 SG Amsterdam

With financial support of:
Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, VSB Fonds, Stichting fonds voor de
podiumkunsten, Thuiskopie fonds, Culturele Zaken, gemeente Rotterdam,
ministerie van OC&W, Luna Internet.

With thanks to:
Rotterdam 2001, Culturele Hoofdstad van Europa