[artinfo] aaxPROMObilingueMASTER

INTER ART ACTUEL edinter@total.net
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 14:53:27 +0200

hello all
i meant to send this a few weeks ago but it seems some of you have not
received it
so here it is again
here is the full infos concerning the release of the ART ACTION BOOK
please  provide us with any contact and adresses of relevant people and
institutions to which we should forward the promotional material
more informations about the launchings soon
best salutations for now
nathalie perreault_inter/le lieu


ART ACTION_1958 =AD 1998

happening o fluxus  ; interm=E9dia ; zaj  ; Art corporel/Body Art ; Po=E9sie
action/Action Poetry ; Actionnisme viennois ; Viennese Actionism o
performance  ; arte acci=F3n  ; Sztuka performance  ; performans  ; Akci=F3

Mexique/Mexico/M=E9xico ; Australie/Australia ; Am=E9rique latine/Latin
America/Am=E9rica Latina ; Japon/Japan ; Hongrie/Hungary/Magyarorsz=E1g ;
Scandinavie/Scandinavia ; Pologne/Poland/Polska  ; Allemagne/Germany ;
Canada/Canada   ; Qu=E9bec/Quebec   ; =C9tats-Unis_C=F4te Est/East=
States ; Espagne/Spain/Espa=F1a ; Italie/Italy ; Royaume-Uni/United Kingdom
; France/France  ; Irlande/Ireland  ; Portugal/Portugal ; Transylvanie/
Transylvania ; Slovaquie/Slovakia ; Tha=EFlande/Thailand  ;


ART ACTION 1958-1998 couvre quatre d=E9cennies de pratiques artistiques
dans l=B9action, d=B9abord par le compte rendu d=B9une rencontre sur la=
1958-1978 ayant r=E9uni =E0 Qu=E9bec, en octobre 1998, les protagonistes
historiques des diverses formes d=B9art en action nomm=E9es happening,
Fluxus, performance, ZAJ, art corporel, po=E9sie action et actionnisme. Art
action 1958-1998 propose donc d=B9abord un =E9ventail de discussions men=E9e=
par les artistes et intervenants historiques suivants : Eric Andersen,
Julien Blaine, Jacques Donguy, Charles Dreyfus, Esther Ferrer, Dick
Higgins, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Pierre Restany et Dani=E8le Roussel.

Des sp=E9cialistes de l=B9art action de vingt et une zones g=E9ographiques
pr=E9sentent ensuite la p=E9riode de 1978 =E0 1998. Pour la premi=E8re fois,
cette p=E9riode et ces territoires sont trait=E9s dans un seul et m=EAme
ouvrage. L=B9essentiel de ces commentaires furent aussi livr=E9s lors de
cette rencontre d=B9octobre 1998 =E0 Qu=E9bec. Les sp=E9cialistes qui=
cet inventaire mondial de l=B9art action sont Felipe Ehrenberg (Mexique),
Anne Marsh (Australie), Victor Mu=F1oz (Am=E9rique latine), Seiji Shimoda
(Japon), Laszlo Beke (Hongrie), Veronica Diesen (Scandinavie), Lukasz
Guzek (Pologne), Elisabeth Jappe (Allemagne, Autriche, Hollande), Bruce
Barber (Canada), Alain-Martin Richard (Qu=E9bec), Martha Wilson (C=F4te est
am=E9ricaine), Bartolome Ferrando (Espagne), Giovanni Fontana (Italie),
Simon Herbert (Royaume-Uni), Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux (France), Slavka
Sverakova (Irlande), Fernando Aguiar (Portugal), Gustav =DCto
(Transylvanie), Michal Murin et Gabor Hushegyi (Slovaquie), Chumpon
Apisuk (Tha=EFlande) et Balint Szombathy (ex-Yougoslavie).

On trouvera =E9galement dans cette publication historique un relev=E9 des
actions tenues lors de cette Rencontre internationale de Qu=E9bec, sous la
responsabilit=E9 d=B9artistes de la performance, au sujet des ann=E9es=
(Larry Miller), des ann=E9es soixante-dix (Charlemagne Palestine), des
ann=E9es quatre-vingt (Istvan Kantor Monty Cantsin Amen) et des ann=E9es
quatre-vingt-dix (R=E9paration de po=E9sie).
	Une introduction de Richard Martel fait une synth=E8se de pratiques d=B9art
action, du futurisme au situationnisme : " Les tissus du performatif " !
	Abondamment illustr=E9e, cette publication est capitale pour la
compr=E9hension historique des ph=E9nom=E8nes d=B9art action,=
durant la deuxi=E8me moiti=E9 du vingti=E8me si=E8cle.
	C=B9est la premi=E8re publication, depuis de nombreuses ann=E9es, =E0 poser=
grandes questions et =E0 donner une information aussi =E9labor=E9e. Nous
d=E9dions ce livre essentiel =E0 Dick Higgins, d=E9c=E9d=E9 la derni=E8re=
 journ=E9e de
la rencontre historique de Qu=E9bec.

Publication directed by  Richard Martel

ART ACTION 1958-1998 covers four decades of Action Art practices,
beginning with a report of a meeting that looked at the period from
1958-1978, which took place in Qu=E9bec City in October of 1998. This
meeting brought together the historic protagonists of diverse forms of
Action Art: the Happening, Fluxus, ZAJ, Body Art, Action Poetry and
Actionism. Thus, in the first instance Art Action 1958-1998 offers a
broad range of discussion presented by the following artists and historic
proponents of the work: Eric Andersen, Julien Blaine, Jacques Donguy,
Charles Dreyfus, Esther Ferrer, Dick Higgins, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Pierre
Restany and Dani=E8le Roussel.

Following on from this, Action Art specialists from twenty-one different
geographic zones recount the period from 1978 to 1998. This is the first
time that this period and these territories have been brought together to
be considered in a single volume. The essential of the commentaries
published were initially presented in the same October 1998 meeting in
Qu=E9bec City. This inventory of Action Art worldwide is compiled by the
following specialists: Felipe EHRENBERG (Mexico), Anne MARSH (Australia),
Victor MU=D1OZ (Latin America), Seiji SHIMODA (Japan), Laszlo BEKE
(Hungary), Veronica DIESEN (Scandinavia), Lukasz GUZEK (Poland),
Elisabeth JAPPE (Germany, Austria, Holland). Bruce BARBER (Canada),
Alain-Martin RICHARD (Qu=E9bec), Martha WILSON (East-coast, United States),
Bartolome FERRANDO (Spain), Giovanni FONTANA (Italy), Simon HERBERT
(England), Arnaud LABELLE-ROJOUX (France), Slavka SVERAKOVA (Ireland),
Fernando AGUIAR (Portugal), Gustav UTO (Transylvania), Gabor Hushegyi
and Michael MURIN (Slovakia), Chumpon APISUK (Thailand), Balint SZOMBATHY
(former Yugoslavia).

Also included in this historic publication is documentation of the
actions presented during this international meeting in Qu=E9bec City, made
by performance artists, on the theme of the sixties (Larry MILLER), the
seventies (Charlemagne PALESTINE), the eighties (Istvan KANTOR Monty
CANTSIN AMEN) and the nineties (R=E9paration de po=E9sie).
	The introduction to the book is written by Richard MARTEL, who gives a
synthesis of =C0ction Art practice from Futurism to Situationism in a text
entitled =B2The Tissues of the Performative=B3!
	This abundantly illustrated publication is essential reading for the
understanding of the historical and international context of Action Art
phenomena of the second half of the Twentieth Century.
	It is the first publication for many years to ask the central questions
and to give such extensive information. This essential volume is
dedicated to Dick HIGGINS who passed away on the final day of this
historic meeting in Qu=E9bec City.

500 pages
28 articles  fran=E7ais/english + 6 textes publi=E9s aussi dans la langue de
l=B9auteur. Abondamment illustr=E9.
28 articles in both French and English + 6 texts in original languages of
the authors. Fully illustrated.
49,95 $
ISBN 2-920500-19-8 (=C9ditions Intervention) Qu=E9bec et international
ISBN 2-84571-005-4 (nouvelles =E9ditions polaires N=E8pe) pour la France


Qu=E9bec et international :
ABC Livres d=B9art Canada
372, Sainte-Catherine Ouest, suite 230
Montr=E9al, Qu=E9bec, Canada H3B 1A2
t +514.  871.0606/fax + 514. 871.2112>/info@ABCartbookscanada.com

France : N=E8pe/Nouvelles =E9ditions Polaires fax 011 33 4 42 28 74 06

INFOS : NATHALIE PERREAULT c/o Les =C9ditions Intervention

18e titres aux =C9ditions Intervention/18th title from :
LES =C9DITIONS INTERVENTION o 345, rue du Pont, Qu=E9bec G1K 6M4
t 418 529 9680 o f 418 529 6933 o edinter@total.net

Ce message a =E9t=E9 envoy=E9 depuis (this message has been sent by a member=

Inter/Le Lieu (Les =C9ditions Intervention)
345, rue du Pont, Qu=E9bec, Qu=E9bec G1K 6M4
T 418 529 9680 =80 F 418 529 6933

Inter art actuel (la revue/magazine)             edinter@total.net
Le Lieu, centre en art actuel (espace/space)     lelieu@total.net
(la manoeuvre des) Territoires Nomades           tnomades@total.net
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .
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keep us informed of your activities through any of the above means ;
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