[artinfo] Arts Management Newsletter 4 (fwd)
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Thu, 15 Nov 2001 16:56:29 +0100
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Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 11:52:02 +0100
From: Artsmanagement Network <info@artsmanagement.net>
To: Newsletter e03 <info@artsmanagement.net>
Subject: Arts Management Newsletter 4
Arts Management Newsletter No.4 (11/2001)
An information service by Arts Management Network
With this newsletter, we'd like to focus any issue on special topics and
undertake closer views on current developments in arts management. Today we
want to start with the topic of fundraising, which becomes more and more
important to enable arts and culture at all.
In our online magazine we have launched a knowledge database as a resource
especially for professionals and students in arts management:
Please help with distributing your articles and hints to expand this
database with more content for our users.
To keep our education guide updated or to add new courses, all directors of
arts management programs have now the chance to send us their details with
an easy form: http://www.artsmanagement.net/education/form.html
With best regards
Yours Dirk Heinze & Dirk Schuetz
1. Access to European and International Funding Opportunities
2. Funding the Arts in Latin America
3. Book of the month: Cash in! Funding and Promoting the Arts (Alvin Reiss)
4. How to Raise Funds Online, by Andrew Schinder (NEA)
5. Links about Fundraising, Philanthropy & Foundations
6. First Magazine for Arts Managers in Russia
7. Introduction: Danish Cultural Policy Network
8. IFEA conference in Bonn 2002
9. Course of the month: Skopje (Macedonia)
10. Arts Administration Internships at Kennedy Center
11. ISPA International Conference in New York City
12. Upcoming events
1. Access to European and International Funding Opportunities
EUCLID has been launching the free CULTURE MATCH service as a valuable
source of information about European and international funding & other
opportunities for the cultural sector, which provides an opportunity
to search for (or submit details of) project partners, funding (grants,
programmes & schemes), as well as awards, bursaries, residencies, exchanges=
touring, commission, competitions, workspaces, and also events, networks,
publications, services and key contacts in countries across Europe and the
world. It is being previewed on-line with around 4.000 entries and with the
opportunity for anyone anywhere to add their own key information at any
Access: http://www.euclid.co.uk/culturematch/
2. Funding the Arts in Latin America
Arts organizations in Latin America face unique problems in their quest to
become self-sustaining. The paper "The Quest for El Dorado: Funding the Art=
in Latin America", published in the last printing edition of International
Journal of Arts Management, discusses the major challenges confronting arts
organizations in the region today, and presents a typology of strategies
they have developed to secure their survival. Ximena Varela, the author of
the paper, is coordinator of the Regional Program and a lecturer/researcher
in arts management at the Latin American Institute of Museums, a lecturer i=
arts management at the Bank Boston Foundation of Uruguay and in museum
marketing at the University of S=E3o Paulo, Brazil
Abstracts, also in Spanish, here: http://www.hec.ca/ijam/413.htm
******************************* Advertising *****************************
2nd Austrian Arts Marketing Congress, Linz, november 28-29th, 2001
International Meeting for Arts Marketing - Cultural Management - Sponsoring
in the Arts and Culture
Supported by: Arts Management Network
Details: http://www.artsmanagement.net/events/artsmarketing.html
*************************** End of Advertising **************************
3. Book of the month: Cash in! Funding and Promoting the Arts (Alvin Reiss)
"Cash In!" is a lively, one-of-its-kind compendium of the most imaginative
new concepts, tested ideas and case histories of programs and promotions
that make money and win audiences for cultural organizations and projects o=
every kind. In this way the author explains the relationship between
Fundraising and Arts Marketing and - more important - tells us the secrets
to get money for the arts. It is an excellent resource that provides a
wealth of ideas for arts entrepreneurs seeking innovative fundraising
techniques. Alvin H. Reiss is the director of the Professional Arts
Management Institute, founder/coordinator of Marymount Manhattan College's
Arts Management Program and arts columnist for Fund Raising Management
Magazine. Danny Newman (Chicago Lyric Opera) means: "Just get your hands on
a copy of Reiss's book before the sun sets!" We agree with him.
More books about Fundraising:
4. How to Raise Funds Online, by Andrew Schinder (NEA)
Online fundraising is booming. Nonprofit organizations, both large and
small, embrace the Internet as a mechanism not only to solicit donations
from individuals and corporations, but also to develop an ongoing
relationship with donors. With the relative inexpensiveness of e-commerce
technology and the advent of many third-party "charity malls" that help
nonprofits solicit contributions, establishing an online presence has never
been easier, and, in some respects, more crucial.
This article provides organizations with an introduction to enabling an
online donation campaign and briefly explores a number of issues
organizations should consider.
Full article: http://arts.endow.gov/artforms/Manage/Fundraising.html
5. Links about Fundraising, Philanthropy & Foundations
The Foundation Center: http://www.fdncenter.org/
Council of Foundations: http://www.cof.org/
Philanthropy Journal online: http://pnnonline.org/
The Chronicle of Philanthropy: http://philanthropy.com/
Fundraising Bibliography: http://www.warshawski.com/bibliography.html
Fundraising Professionals: http://www.nsfre.org/
Fundwell: http://www.fundwell.com/
Action without borders: http://www.idealist.org/
Alliance for Nonprofit Management: http://www.allianceonline.org/
ARNOVA: http://www.arnova.org/
Arts Wire: http://www.artswire.org/Artswire/www/awtour/money/page1.html
UK Fundraising: http://www.fundraising.co.uk/
6. First Magazine for Arts Managers in Russia
The first magazine in Russia and countries of CIS specialized in culture an=
art management has been launched this month. So an independent information
resource for arts management professionals, young scientists and students i=
realized as a bridge between culture and business. It is a good chance to
force the process of building a professional society of competent culture
and art managers in the Russian speaking area.
Arts Management Network exclusively presents the English overview of the
magazine's content.
7. Introduction: Danish Cultural Policy Network
The Danish Cultural Policy Research Network is a cross-disciplinary and
cross-institutional forum for both research workers and the general public.
The Network is instrumental in locating, gathering and communicating
relevant information in the broad field of cultural policy studies. The
online section contains an helpful internet guide to other cultural policy
More information: http://ix.db.dk/kulturpol/english.htm
8. IFEA conference in Bonn 2002
The next conference of the International Festival and Event Association
(IFEA) Europe will be held in Bonn, Germany. The theme "e.mergingworlds@ife=
- a creative journey into the culture and events business" perfectly matche=
IFEA Europe's desire to give the international audiences creative impulses
for their work and stimulate networking. The inclusion of a research stream
as part of this year's conference will present further opportunities for
developing links with a range of international representatives. Arts
Management Network is Media Partner of this conference and offers the onlin=
registration now.
Info and registration:
9. Course of the month: Skopje (Macedonia)
The School of Music at the University Skopje hosts one of only a few course=
in Music Management in Eastern Europe. The 2-year-program under the
direction of Prof. Dimitrije Buzarovski offers lessons in economics of
music, music management, scientific methodology, analysis of musical works
and aesthetics of music. Prof. Buzarovski, also a reporter of the Arts
Management Network and a frequent lecturer abroad, is currently looking for
an international partner university in order to support his ambitioned
program, especially during the difficult political situation in this region=
Details: http://www.artsmanagement.net/education/skopje.html
Contact to Prof. Buzarovski: buzarovski@kulturmanagement.net
******************************* Advertising *****************************
One of the biggest collections of arts management books you can find online
at Arts Management Network. About 200 publications are introduced with
images, book descriptions, reader's reviews or details about the author to
get a closer impression. Any book can be ordered directly in co-operation
with Amazon.
*************************** End of Advertising **************************
10. Arts Administration Internships at Kennedy Center
The Kennedy Center's new Vilar Institute for Arts Management offers seasona=
internships and full-time fellowships. The Internship Program is recognized
by the Princeton Review as one of the "Top 100 Internships" in the United
States and is offered 3 times throughout the year:
Winter/Spring: January - April
Summer: May - August
Fall: September - December
The internships cover all aspects of arts administration - production,
programming, finance, advertising, development, sales, special events,
legal, education, MIS, volunteers and more. We are desperately seeking
interns for the upcoming Winter/Spring semester. You cannot apply online,
but you should download the information and fax your application to
Internship Coordinator Jennifer Schmidt at (202) 416-8853. The deadline has
been extended, so please submit your application ASAP.
Info & Download: http://www.kennedy-center.org/vilarinstitute/internships
11. ISPA International Conference in New York City
One morning 27 years ago, a young artist undertook a clandestine performanc=
which focused the world's attention on the twin towers of New York's World
Trade Center. On December 18, ISPA delegates will assemble at the Tribeca
Performing Arts Center at the edge of September's "ground zero" to hear a
closing address from that artist: Philippe Petit. Join your colleagues at
ISPA's 54th annual New York Conference for this unique opportunity as Petit=
now artist-in-residence at New York's Cathedral of St. John the Devine,
shares his reflections on the intrinsic beauty and the ultimately transitor=
nature of live performance.
Register now at: http://www.ispa.org
12. Upcoming events
nov 16: United Arts Funds Council Meeting, Chicago
nov 17: United Arts Funds Fall Leadership Forum, Chicago
nov 19: Meeting - Copyright and the Cultural Community, Eugene
nov 23: The Changing International Landscape of Cultural Policies, London
nov 26-28: Asia-Europe Seminar on Cultural Heritage Training, Madrid
nov 28-29: 2nd Austrian Arts Marketing Congress; Linz (Supported by Arts
Management Network)
dec 15-18: ISPA, 54th annual Conference, New York
jan 23-26: International Conference on Cultural Policy Research, Wellington
All events with details: http://www.artsmanagement.net/events.html
General information about this newsletter:
The Newsletter is for free. It has currently 1636 subscribers worldwide.
Any feedback and contribution is warmly welcome. Send an email to
info@artsmanagement.net. To subscribe this newsletter, visit the page
This email was sent to you in the genuine belief that it is of professional
interest to you. If you don't want to receive further information please
simply send us an email: newsletter-unsubscribe@artsmanagement.net
Arts Management Network GbR
Dirk Heinze & Dirk Schuetz
Post Box 11 98, D-99409 Weimar
Email: info@artsmanagement.net
Internet: http://www.artsmanagement.net