[artinfo] Announcing a Webcast from Tate Modern (fwd)

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Fri, 25 May 2001 11:53:20 +0200

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 15:30:59 +0100
From: Honor Harger <honor.harger@tate.org.uk>
Subject: Announcing a Webcast from Tate Modern


Capital Seminar 3. Trust
The first in a three part series of seminars


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Sunday 27 May

1330 - 1630 [ GMT ]
1430 - 1730 [ British Summer Time ]
1530 - 1830 [ Central European Time ]
1030 - 1330 [ US Eastern Standard Time ]
1800 - 2100 [ Indian Standard Time ]
2330 - 0230 [ Australian Eastern Standard Time ]
0130 - 0430 [ New Zealand Time - 28 May ]


East Room, Level 7, Tate Modern, London, UK


As part of Tate Modern's Webcasting Programme, a series of seminars
organised by the artists' Neil Cummings and Marysia Lewandowska will be
presented on the Tate website.
There are still tickets available if you wish to attend this event in
person. To book tickets, please ring Tate Ticketing on: 020 7887 8888.
Tickets =A36 (=A33 concessions).
Alternatively you can experience the event live online in audio and video
using the Real Player. To find out more, visit:

The next live webcast will be the major Tate International Council
conference, Moving Image As Art: Time-based Media in the Art Gallery, June =
& 2. To find out more, visit:


Capital <http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/exhibitions/capital.htm> is a
collaborative project for Tate Modern by artists, Neil Cummings and Marysia
Lewandowska. It unfolds as a series of encounters between two iconic
institutions, Tate and the Bank of England, and the economies they animate.
The project is inaugurated with the issue of a gift - a limited edition
print, distributed at Tate Modern and the Bank of England Museum, with an
accompanying book published by Tate.  The project also includes a series of
seminars curated by the artists with cultural theorist Jeremy Valentine and
chaired by Paul Hirst, Academic Director, London Consortium.

The third of these seminars looks at the concept of trust.
Money both facilitates the mundane exchanges of daily life and makes global
connections that have unimaginable force and complexity. The value of money
relies on trust, yet as critics of our economic system argue, its effect is
to destroy wider networks of trust.

Geoff Mulgan (Prime Minister's Policy Unit, Co-founder Demos)
Nigel Thrift (Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol)
Chair: Paul Hirst (Academic Director, London Consortium)


To experience this webcast, you will need access to a computer with a sound
card, a connection to the internet and the Real Player installed. This can
be downloaded for free at the Real Networks website
<http://www.real.com/player/index.html>. If you haven't experienced
webcasting online before, please visit our technical help page:

Until the webcast begins on Sunday at 1330 GMT there will be no live audio
or video available.


As these webcasts are part of a pilot process, qualitative feedback that
will help shape the character of live webcasts from Tate Modern in the
future, is always appreciated.  If you would like to ask the speakers
questions, please email them to the Webcasting Curator
<honor.harger@tate.org.uk>, who will endevour to deliver them during
Question Time.


For more on webcasting, and a programme of future webcasts contact:
Honor Harger, Webcasting Curator, Interpretation & Education, Tate Modern
Email: honor.harger@tate.org.uk
PH: (44) 020 7401 5066
URL: <http://www.tate.org.uk/modern/programmes/webcasting.htm>

For more information about Tate or getting tickets for events:
Tate Ticketing
Email: boxoffice@tate.org.uk
PH: (44) 020 7887 8888
URL: <http://www.tate.org.uk>