[artinfo] EMARE Residency Grants
Andreas Broeckmann
Tue, 8 May 2001 16:43:07 +0200
European Media Artists in Residence Exchange
Deadline: May, 31, 2001
Grants for European Media Artists for England, Scotland, Germany and
The seventh European Media Artists in Residence Exchange will take place in
Summer 2001 to spring 2002.
Europe based Media Artists in the fields of digital media including internet=
and computer based art, filmmakers, sound and video artists are invited to=
apply for a two month residence based stipend at Hull Time Based Arts,=
Kingston Uppon Hull in England; at Duncan of Jordanstone College School of=
Television and Imaging, Dundee, Scotland, at V2 Organisation, Rotterdam,=
Netherland or at Werkleitz Gesellschaft's Center for Media Arts=
Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
Students are not permitted, but young artists encouraged. EMARE includes a
grant of 2.000 Euro, free accomodation, 250 Euro travel expenses, access to=
the technical facilities and media labs and a professional presentation. En=
should include a CV, (audio)visual reference projects documentation and a
proposal sketch for the project which should be developed within EMARE.=
Artists with residence in or identity card for a European country=
(including East European countries) are invited to visit the homepage and=
download the application form:
http://www.werkleitz.de/emare Deadline: May, 31, 2001
Any further questions? Please contact one of the partner centres:
Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V. =95 EMARE =95 Peter Zorn =95 Strasse des=
Friedens 26 =95
D-39249 Tornitz =95 Tel: +49 (0)3 92 98 - 675 - 0 =95 Fax +49 (0)3 92 98 - 6=
- 55 =95
emare@werkleitz.de =95 www.werkleitz.de/emare
Hull Time Based Arts =95 Gillian Dyson =95 42 High Street =95 GB-HU1 1PS=
Hull =95 UK =95
fon +44 1482 216446 =95 fax +44 1482 589952 =95 gill@htba.demon.co.uk =95
Duncan of Jordanstone College =95 School of Television and Imaging =95 Mike
Stubbs =95
Perth Road =95 DD1 4HT Dundee =95 UK =95 fon +44 1 382223261 =95 fax +44 1=
382226136 =95
V2_Organisation =95 Institute for the Unstable Media =95 Anne Nigten =95
=95 NL-3012 XL Rotterdam =95 Netherlands =95 fon +31 10 2067273 =95 fax +31=
10 2067274
=95 anne@v2.nl =95 www.v2.nl
EMARE 2001 is supported by the Ministry of cultural affairs Saxony-Anhalt; t=
Arts Council of England; Yorkshire Arts; British Council; Goethe Institute
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