[artinfo] Fwd: European Art Exchanges (7) (fwd)

Andrea Szekeres asz@c3.hu
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:07:56 +0200

>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2001 12:20:41 +0200
>From: apollonia <apollonia@webstub.com>
>To: apollonia <apollonia@webstub.com>
>Subject: European Art Exchanges (7)
>Dear Friends,
>Apollonia is a platform for European artistic exchanges, and tends to=20
>reflect the situation of contemporary art in Europe, bringing the general=
>public into contact with the plurality of European culture.
>Throughout its activities, Apollonia is editing every 2 months a newspaper=
>online : =AB Gazetta =BB, that presents the creation and artistic events in=
>the peripheral, central, oriental and balkanic Europe
>We are happy to announce you the edition of the number 5 of Gazetta :
>  http://www.art-exchanges.com/
>We are waiting for your comments, suggestions and informations
>the Apollonia staff
>Apollonia, plate-forme d=92=E9changes artistiques, se fait l=92=E9cho de la=
>situation de l=92art contemporain en Europe, permettant =E0 un large public=
>d=92acc=E9der =E0 la pluralit=E9 culturelle europ=E9enne.
>Parmi ses activit=E9s, l=92=E9dition tous les deux mois d=92un journal=20
>=E9lectronique : =AB Gazetta =BB, qui met l=92accent sur la cr=E9ation et=
>=E9v=E9nements artistiques de l=92Europe p=E9riph=E9rique, centrale,=
 orientale et=20
>Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer la parution du num=E9ro 5 de la=
>dont voici le lien :  http://www.art-exchanges.com/
>N'h=E9sitez pas =E0 nous faire parvenir vos suggestions et/ou informations.
>L'=E9quipe d'Apollonia
>apollonia / european art exchanges
>33, route du rhin / f-67100 strasbourg
>tel : + 33 (0) 3 88 45 20 27
>fax: + 33 (0) 3 88 44 37 18