[artinfo] cast01 // open for registration

by way of Adele Eisenstein <adele@c3.hu> cast01@netzspannung.org
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 19:49:16 +0200

cast01 // living in mixed realities is open for registration now!

September 21-22, 2001 // Schloss Birlinghoven // Sankt Augustin near Bonn //

Dear friends and colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the cast01 conference discussing=
of artistic, cultural, technological and scientific issues of:

Living in Mixed Realities

cast01 demonstrates outstanding examples of research, technological
development and artistic production in the form of research papers and
artistic presentations as well as blueprints and posters about ideas still
under development.

Internationally well known keynote speakers like Roy Ascott, Bill Buxton,
Manfred Fa=DFler, Perry Hoberman, Natalie Jeremijenko will navigate you
through the two-days field of inspiring new concepts in the ambience of
Birlinghoven castle in Sankt Augustin near Bonn, Germany.

Highlights of the conference are the launch of the Internet platform for=
art and culture "netzspannung.org" and the initiative >digital sparks<
presenting current projects of German media education.

The cast01 Conference team wants you to be part of "Living in Mixed=

Registration for cast01 has already started. There is a limited number of=20
Register online: http://netzspannung.org/cast01
Registration by fax: http://netzspannung.org/cast01/cast01_register.pdf

Please make use of the early registration deadline (August 15, 2001) to
benefit from lower fee.

Basis conference fee:
Until August 15, 2001 350.- DM (178.95 EURO)
 From August 16, 2001 500.- DM (255.65 EURO)

Until August 15, 2001 100.- DM (51.13 EURO)
 From August 16, 2001 150.- DM (76.69 EURO)

For more information about the program, the speakers, the registration
conditions and the location, please visit the conference website
or contact us: cast01@netzspannung.org

We are looking forward to seeing you at the cast01 conference!

Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss
cast01 Conference Chairs