[artinfo] (fwd)Pirelli INTERNETional Award
Janos Sugar
Wed, 11 Jul 2001 00:11:10 +0200
Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2001 20:50:48 +0200
From: "Pirelli INTERNETional Award's Technical Committee 2001" <info@pirelliaward.com>
Subject: Science & Technology award
We are writing you because you are either a friend of ours, a Netizen, a scientist
or a geek :-)
We are proud to announce the upcoming launch of the VI edition of the Pirelli
INTERNETional Award (http://www.pirelliaward.com).
This year, the overall prize has increased to 80,000 Euros (more than US$65,000),
for the first international multimedia competition entirely carried out on the
Internet, on-line since 1996.
Having browsed your Web pages, we believe that you certainly have the means to
participate in the VI edition of the Pirelli INTERNETional Award, and, in order
to maximize your chances of winning, we invite you to contact us.
Being sponsored by a multinational company (which allows you to participate totally
free of charge), our mission is to promote the spread of scientific and technological
This year, the subjects for multimedia submissions are:
EDUCATIONAL MULTIMEDIA: for the best multimedia product directed at, or coming
from, any educational institution from grade school to university.
Specifically, there are two subcategories:
- - a 15,000 Euros prize for the best scientific or technologically inclined multimedia
work that contributes to the spread of knowledge at any level: this prize is
OPEN to every citizen, organization or business of the world.
- - a 15,000 Euros prize for the best scientific or technologically inclined multimedia
work that comes from an educational institution: this prize is RESERVED to any
educational institution from grade school to university;
- - a 15,000 Euros prize for the best multimedia product that either describes
the environment or serves to safeguard it: this prize is OPEN to every citizen,
organization or business of the world;
- - a 15,000 Euros prize for the best multimedia publishing product (Web magazine,
article, essay, book.) on the subject of the environment: OPEN to every citizen,
organization or business of the world.
SPECIAL JUNIOR AWARD: a 10,000 Euros prize for the best multimedia product, on
any of the above subjects, presented by any candidate born after December 31st
ADDED PRIZE: additional 10,000 Euros conferred by the Jury to the best of the
above awarded submissions. The winner of the 2001 Pirelli INTERNETional Award
will therefore receive a total of 25,000 Euros.
Looking forward to your participation, we remain,
Yours Faithfully
- ------------------------------------------------
Technical Committee 2001
Pirelli INTERNETional Award
c/o Pirelli, Rome Office
Foro Romano, 3
00186 Rome, Italy
e-mail: info@pirelliaward.com
phone ++39 06 69517610
fax ++39 06 69517608