[artinfo] World Wide Video Festival: Call for Entries

Andreas Broeckmann abroeck@transmediale.de
Tue, 20 Feb 2001 17:46:06 +0100

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 17:28:14 +0100
From: wwvf <wwvf@wwvf.demon.nl>
Subject: World Wide Video Festival: Call for Entries

 Screenings | Performances
 Seminar | Exhibitions

 10 October to 11 November
<New Dates>    <Call for Entries>

The World Wide Video Festival is an annual, international event for
media-art that takes place at several locations in Amsterdam.

<New Dates> As from this year the World Wide Video Festival will be held a
month later than in previous years. The new dates of the festival are 10
October to 11 November 2001.

This year there will be a sequel to the four-day series of premiere
events. Over the following weekends, the various festival venues will host
a series of 'special events', which will include screenings, performances,
artist presentations and discussions.

The exhibitions at several of the festival locations, and the selection of
single-screen works at the 'world wide media lounge', will remain open
daily until November 11.

<Call for Entries> Artists are invited to submit work for selection.
Entry forms for the 19th World Wide Video Festival are currently online.
The festival invites the submission of video/dvds, installations,
performances, cd-roms, net.art projects and artistic software productions
completed after 1999.

Entry forms should be submitted via our website before April 15:
