[artinfo] [ANNOUNCE] Second Iteration : emergence (fwd)

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Mon, 27 Aug 2001 11:50:29 +0200

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Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 17:17:15 +1000
From: iterate <iterate@csse.monash.edu.au>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Second Iteration : emergence

Our apologies for cross & multiple postings. Please redistribute this
announcement to any interested persons.

The Centre for Electronic Media Art (CEMA) announces...

Second Iteration : emergence
2nd international conference on generative systems in the electronic

5-7th December, 2001, Melbourne, Australia

- Call for Participation

Papers | Artist & Tech Sketches
Generative Audio & Video | Generative Art Software

Second Iteration : emergence is the event for anyone with an interest in

the relationship between generative processes, creativity and artistic
practice. The key theme will be emergence: the property of simple,
interacting processes to acquire characteristics and form beyond those
directly attributable to the sum of the individual components. Second
Iteration will investigate the discontinuities between poeisis and
physis, and how these processes influence the development of creative
ideas. Following on from the highly successful First Iteration (1999),
this year's conference will again be held in Melbourne, Australia.

- Second Iteration : topics of interest

Artificial Life
Artificial selection
Cellular automata
Cultural interpretations of generative theories & methodologies
Digital nature
Evolutionary aspects of creativity & creative behaviour
Feedback networks
Genetic algorithms
Learning & knowledge-based systems
Mathematical & generative modelling
Models of creativity and creative processes
Neural networks
Recombinant media
Rule-based systems
Software artworks
Systems theory

- Second Iteration : applications

Computer graphics
Cultural theory
Electronic & computer-based music composition
Evolutionary theory
Software development
Visual, sound & performance art
Virtual environments

- Further details including submission dates are available on the
conference website

or by emailing the organizers on