[artinfo] conversation with Kyiv-based film maker and writer, Oleksiy Radinsky

Beöthy Balázs b2 at c3.hu
Wed Mar 30 13:49:25 CEST 2022

Fwd: Clemens Apprich <clemens.apprich at leuphana.de> (by way of János Sugár)

there will be a conversation with Kyiv-based film maker and writer, 
Oleksiy Radinsky, this Wednesday (30.3.) at 7pm. The hybrid event, which 
is on short-notice and rather improvised, will take place at the studio 
of Applied Photography at Angewandte in Vienna and online via zoom: 

There will also be another event with Nikita Kadan and Noit Banai on 
Thursday 31.03 at 12:00 CET.
Here is the zoom link: https://dieangewandte-at.zoom.us/j/65367255538

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