[artinfo] Vladan Joler: New Extractivism

Beöthy Balázs b2 at c3.hu
Tue Jul 5 19:43:04 CEST 2022

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: János Sugár <sj at c3.hu>

“A new form of extractivism defines life in the 21st Century. It is one 
that reaches into the furthest corners of the biosphere and the deepest 
layers of human cognitive and affective being: the stack that underpins 
contemporary technological systems goes well beyond the multi-layered 
'technical stack' of data modeling, hardware, servers, and networks. 
Today's full stack reaches into capital, labor, and nature, while 
demanding an enormous amount from each.
This animation and accompanying diagram gather together different 
concepts and images of the new extractivism, proposing a semi coherent 
picture of the full stack. The concepts that it presents are mostly 
represented in the form of visual allegories. Dictionaries define 
allegory as a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal 
a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. All of these 
allegories and concepts gathered here add up to a blueprint-for a 
machine-like superstructure; a super allegory that encompasses the whole 
world. What we have here is an almost fractal allegorical structure - an 
allegory within an allegory within an allegory."

Vladan Joler


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