[artinfo] Training the Archive

Francis Hunger francis.hunger at irmielin.org
Tue Nov 23 12:43:56 CET 2021

Training the Archive is a research project that 
explores the possibilities and risks of AI in 
relation to the automated structuring of museum 
collection data to support curatorial practice 
and artistic production.

New: Two video interviews


Magda Tyzlik-Carver explores the webs of 
relationships between humans and the non-human of 
software and algorithms. In doing so, she ties 
into the concepts of the "post-human" and talks 
about automated curatorial actors, i.e. 
algorithms, bots, software and computing 


Adam Harvey states: "I don't think, it's possible 
to destroy the complete face detection/computer 
vision existing  infrastructure, and nor do I 
want to. But to limit its growth and limit its 
dangerous potential to grow and know more and 
more about who you are and what you're looking 
at, how you're moving, and with who you around."

Working Paper Series 

Curation and its Statistical Automation by means 
of Artificial 'Intelligence' by Francis Hunger

The text examines several projects as case 
studies that approach curation using artificial 
'intelligence': The Next Biennial Should Be 
Curated by a Machine from UBERMORGEN, Leonardo 
Impett and Joasia Krysa (2021), Tillmann Ohm's 
project Artificial Curator (2020), 
and #Exstrange by Rebekah Modrak and Marialaura 
Ghidini et. al. (2017)Š

The Curator's Machine: Clustering of Museum 
Collection Data through Annotation of Hidden 
Connection Patterns between Artworks by Dominik 

Machine Learning can reveal connections and links 
between artworks, which previously became 
accessible to the curator only incompletely or 
with difficulty. The text presents a first 

Would be great if you'd look at it.



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