[artinfo] Banff International Curatorial Institute Fellowship
Call for Curators
info at callforcurators.com
Wed Mar 25 19:42:00 CET 2020
Visual Arts at Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity
Banff International Curatorial Institute Fellowship
September 14 - December 4, 2020
Apply by April 29
Program Overview
The Banff International Curatorial Institute (BICI) Fellowship
supports established curators, arts writers, cultural critics, and
researchers in focusing deeply on the continued development of their
work. The program allows for self-directed research over an extended
period of 12 weeks within the creative and intellectually stimulating
environment of Visual Arts. Participants are selected by an
international jury for this unique, fully-scholarshipped program.
In addition to focusing on their own practice, participants
will engage with each other as well as artists-in-residence in Visual
Arts programs-meet with them to grow their networks and expand their
research, visit studios or hold office hours, join reading groups,
share knowledge through presenting research in progress, as well as
engage with Banff Centre's curatorial and artistic staff. The BICI
Fellowship coincides with
the <http://x7w9.mj.am/lnk/AL4AAGrX_CkAAccnf0AAABj0ucgAAFdhuKgAHEIbAADE_QBee56NO0dpVn0QR_e6_hdgQFZW2AAAxXY/4/Vd9JQQcAZiTy4Ah8g3fAZA/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYmFuZmZjZW50cmUuY2EvcHJvZ3JhbXMvYmFuZmYtdmlzdWFsLWFydGlzdC1mZWxsb3dzaGlwLWZhbGwtMjAyMA>Banff
Visual Artist Fellowship, and participants in both programs are
encouraged to work closely together.
What does the program offer?
This program provides an extended period of time for writers,
curators, and researchers to develop non-studio based work and pursue
critical research. Scheduled programming is light to allow for
self-directed project development, and opportunities to connect and
Participants can attend talks and presentations by faculty and guests
of Visual Arts residency programs and Walter Phillips Gallery,
and expand networks through connecting with artists from around the
Participants will have a private office that is accessible 24 hours a
day in which to work.
Who should apply?
This program is open to mid- to- senior-level curators, arts writers,
cultural critics, and researchers exploring original topics within
visual arts.
Applicants should have an established exhibition/publication record,
have completed formal training in visual arts at the post-secondary
level, or equivalent experience and recognition from their peers.
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