[artinfo] Open Call [Proper]

zsolt zsoltfm at gmail.com
Tue Aug 27 09:52:23 CEST 2019

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Open Call

For a prettier version of this call see h.aard.work/call <http://h.aard.work/call>
The Burrow <https://h.aard.work/> is a secondary space of the Very Large Works <http://verylarge.works/call.html> pavilion of The Wrong Biennale <https://thewrong.org/> (Nov 2019 - Mar 2020): Very Large Works are forests not seen for the trees. To grow tall they root deep. While VLW looks up-above, The Burrow resides in the spaces below. Inspired by aardvarks, who dig to escape when attacked, and will leave their burrows for others to use when relocating. The aardvark reminds us to think with our claws: No one expects us to dig when they force us to move, still in compliance but keeping our place. Then we can tickle the feet of our oppressors as they try to pass.

    [Very Large Work - VLW - Vulnerable List Wrapper]
    [Somewhat Nestled Wrapper - SNW - Safe Not-Work]

Here we comfort the hidden and deride the veiled, invite the reclusive and berate the secluded. Here we can listen to those who must never speak, look for things we have lost, and spy on spies spying on us. We are looking for themes of the hidden, silent, overlooked, or secretive; the forgotten and misremembered; and the self-defeating. To contend feedback loops without feedback or to comfort the trapped.

You may submit works or tunnels, for online display. For works most media are welcome; A/V, image, text, documentation, (other). Tunnels are two-way connections with other projects: Want to run a mutual ad-campaign, have The Burrow take part in a project we display, or make infinite mirrors with iframes? Get in touch.
To participate subscribe to the discussion list <http://lists.noemata.net/listinfo.cgi/theburrow-noemata.net>. Submit works or ideas for tunnels by writing to the list, or by direct contact <mailto:yesreply at aard.work>.

List: http://lists.noemata.net/listinfo.cgi/theburrow-noemata.net <http://lists.noemata.net/listinfo.cgi/theburrow-noemata.net>
Pad: http://bblab.space/p/the_burrow <http://bblab.space/p/the_burrow>
Info: https://h.aard.work/info <https://h.aard.work/info>

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