[artinfo] Bucsu a Majakovszkij 102-tol / Farewell to Mayakovsky 102

tranzit.hu office office at tranzitinfo.hu
Fri Apr 14 18:28:48 CEST 2017

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A tranzit. hu elkoltozik a Kiraly u 102-bol. Ez alkalombol egy
bucsuesemenyt szervezUnk es levetitjUk Igor es Ivan Buharov: Az itt elo
lelkek nagy resze cimu filmjet.
Varunk mindenkit szeretettel a 20.30-kor kezdodo ingyenes vetitesre es
utana kotetlen egyuttletre.

A tranzit. hu 2011 decembereben koltozott a Kiraly u 102.-be, ahol az I
emelet 1-es szamu lakasat bereltuk, amelyet nyitott irodakent mukodtettunk.
Az iroda nyilvanos esemenyek helyszine volt, kiallitasokat,
szeminariumokat, beszegetesket szerveztunk itt. 2012-ben a Rendszervaltas -
Befejezetlen program esemeny-sorozat kereteben Majakovszkij 102-nek
neveztuk at. Itt zajlottak 2013-14 kozott egy even at havonta megrendezett
Akcionapok, amelyek a kortars kepzomuveszeti terulet demokratikus
forumakent a szakmai kiallast es osszefogast erositettek. A Kiraly utcaban
szerveztunk tobbek kozott nemzetkozi kiallitast a fasizmus jelenkori
formainak veszelyeirol ("Muveszet veszelyes csillagzat alatt"), itt kerult
sor Kiraly Tamas elso posztumusz kiallitasara. Bemutattuk Christoph
Schlingensief osszes filmjet, innen szerveztuk az egyre kritikusabba valo
kulturalis kezdemenyezesek ertekeleset a Katalizator-dij formajaban. A
muveszet kreativitast felszabadito erejerol ("Kreativitas-gyakorlatok. A
kozossegi muveszet eroterei"), valamint a nemzetkozi muveszeti
szolidaritasi mozgalmakrol ("A muveszeti szolidaritas halozatai") is
szoltak kiallitasok es esemenyek.
Egy korszak lezarult, 2017 majustol uj helyszinen leszunk, a MUSZI-ben.

c/o Muvelodesi Szint (MUSZI)
1085 Budapest Stahly u 13., 7. studio

Igor es Ivan Buharov
Az itt elo lelkek nagy resze
2016 szines, 90 perc

Grof Batthyany Ervin, az anarchizmus tanainak hirdetoje, 100 evvel halala
utan ujra feltunik, hogy megegyszer megkiserelje, elmeletei gyakorlati
kivitelezeset. Felismeri, hogy a vilag nem olyan iranyba valtozott, ahogy
elkepzelte, szinte semmi nem valosult meg az uralomnelkUlseg utopiajabol.
Ujra reformiskolat alapit, szellemi partnereket toboroz, es elkezdik egy uj
generacio felneveleset, akik az eroszakra epulo uralmi rendszer helyett, a
szolidaritas es az onkentes osszemukodes elvei szerint gondolkodnak. A
szabadsag es egyenloseg eszmenye azonban, csakugy mint 100 eve, felelmet
ebreszt a hatalom korifeusaiban. A grof es bararai tenykedese, a biztato
kezdetet kovetoen, egyre tobb akadalyba utkozik.


Farewell to Mayakovsky 102

tranzit. hu is relocating from its current venue Mayakovsky 102 (on Kiraly
Street 102) On this occasion, we organize a farewell event and the
screening of the film “Most of the souls that live here” by Igor and Ivan
Buharov with English subtitles.
All are welcome to the screening that starts at 8:30 pm and to the informal
gathering afterwards.

In December 2011, tranzit.hu moved to Kiraly Street 102, to flat Nr. 1 that
functioned as an open office. It was a space for public events; we
organized exhibitions, seminars, and discussions there. In 2012, in the
framework of the event series “Regime Change –An Incomplete Project,” we
renamed the venue to Mayakovsky 102. In the following year, the one-year
long monthly gathering, the so-called “Action days” series started. It was
a democratic forum of the contemporary art field that also strengthened its
political stance and encouraged the joining of forces. The international
exhibition on contemporary forms of fascism (“Art Under a Dangerous Star”)
and the first posthumus exhibition of underground fashion designer Tamas
Kiraly also took place in Mayakovsky 102. We screened the films of
Christoph Schlingensief and organized the Catalyst Award from this office,
the latter of which remunerated cultural initiatives with growing
criticality towards the current sociopolitical situation in Hungary.
Exhibitions and events also dealt with the emancipatory power of arts that
can contribute to a creative approach towards life (Creativity Exercises –
Spaces of Emancipatory Pedagogies), and about international solidarity
movements of artists (Cartography of Artist Solidarity).
An era is over, we will be at a new venue from May 2017, at MUSZI community
space in Budapest

c/o Muvelodesi Szint (MUSZI)
1085 Budapest Stahly u 13., 7. studio

Igor and Ivan Buharov
Most of the souls that live here
2016, 93 minutes, color, 16 mm transfer to DCP

The renowned anarchist teacher Count Ervin Batthyany reappears 100 years
after his death.
He tries to put his theories into practice again, as he realizes that the
world has not turned out as he'd expected. There is no Utopia, free of
He founds a new free school with the help of some like-minded people and
starts teaching a new generation who believe in solidarity and cooperation
rather than a system of oppression.
But the ideal of freedom and equality awakens the same fears in the
choreographers of power as it did 100 years ago. And after an encouraging
start, the count and his friends come up against more and more obstacles.

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