[artinfo] Call for Applications: Art and Society
info at e-artnow.org
Thu Sep 8 11:27:03 CEST 2016
Call for Applications
The International Year of Global Understanding
(IYGU), le Conseil International de la
Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines (CIPSH),
Most-Unesco & Mémoire de l'Avenir (MDA) Call for
GOAL: To unite artists around the world in order
to demonstrate the involvement and contribution
of the arts in society.
Art and culture are active agents in social,
economic and political action. They speak to the
solidarity between peoples, of their situations
and ways of life They have the ability to change
mentalities and encourage action in every domain
of society.
"The responsibility of an artist lays not only in
his aesthetical research or with his/her
intellectual impact, but also with his/her
ability to influence, challenge, propose,
critique, and raise awareness. The Arts are a way
to question and to discover, while searching for
new ways to express, to resist, to act
Expressing a unique and subjective point of view
is an ethical and esthetical imperative. Hence,
Arts are ways to recognize the endless
pluralities of ideas, histories and identities.
Arts & Cultures can contribute to an intuitive,
sensitive and knowledgeable meetings between
differences, leading to the recognitions
of similitudes and universalism."
Margalit Berriet President and founder of Mémoire
de l'Avenir / Memory of the Future
YOU, artists of all forms of expressions: fine
arts, photography, film, music, performances,
creativewriting, poetry, numerical arts,
architecture, culinary artists... are invited to
create a short video (1:30 max), in which you
express, in your native language, the role of
artists and the Arts in Society.
Your video should respond to the following 3 subjects:
- Your motivations
- Your objectives
- The impact of your work in society
All the videos will be examined
FIRST STEP OF THE PROJECT > At least 1 video by
country or by dialect will be presented in the
space of an installation at The World Conference
of the Humanities (WHC) and the International
Year of global Understanding (IYGU) in 2017 in
195 -206 states or languages will be represented
approx. 5h journey around a world of artists
SECOND STEP > A larger selection of projects,
together with the above first collection, will be
also edited on line, constituting an active
platform of exchange of resources, witnessing the
richness of Cultures, ideas, engagements,
expressions and actions.
If in your work YOU QUESTION social or political
challenges such as ecology / nature / science /
education / labor / limits and borders /
migration / urban space/ collective & individual
memories / the fight against all forms of
inequality and discrimination / living together /
women, children human rights... SHARE IT, AND
DEADLINE: 30 Novembre 2016
- Your video should be send to :
<mailto:iygu.whc at memoire-a-venir.org>iygu.whc at memoire-a-venir.org
Your video should not exceed 1 minute 30 seconds
- longer videos will not be considered
- Your art work should be visible or heard in the video
- Your video can/should be creative
- Your video must be recorded in your native language
- Your video must include IMPERATIVELY an English
translation (in the video or in text attached)
- Your video must be recorded in full HD format
(1920x 1080), H264.mov or MP4, sound -3dBU
- No pejorative connotations, propagandas or
discriminatory statements will be accepted
- Video must be accompanied with essential information:
Name - Country - artistic medium - a short
statement - no longer than 500 words - 1 document
representation in English
- Video must be FREE OF RIGHTS
- Selected videos will be also available online
<mailto:iygu.whc at memoire-a-venir.org>iygu.whc at memoire-a-venir.org
Marie Berdaguer
Phone: +33951171875
Mémoire de l'Avenir
45/47 rue Ramponeau
75020 Paris
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