[artinfo] female: pressure w/ Electric Indigo

Tardi Ferenc tard at hvg.hu
Mon Aug 15 19:12:02 CEST 2016

  female:pressure is an international network of female artists in the 
fields of electronic music and digital arts founded by Electric 
Indigo: from musicians, composers and DJs to visual artists, cultural 
workers and researchers. A worldwide resource of female talent that 
can be searched after criteria like location, profession, style or 

female:pressure intends to strengthen networking, communication and 
representation - a standard instrument to obtain information about 
artists, contact them, and find out about other, maybe less known 
women in electronic music all around the globe. Every artist listed 
in this database is able to keep her personal entry up-to-date. The 
network comprises almost 1800 members from 68 countries as at August 

If you want to be part of female:pressure don't hesitate to send an 
e-mail to: infoATfemalepressureDOTnet.



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