[artinfo] Join the Oslo Flaneur Festival / Call for talks, artworks, paper abstracts

Zane Cerpina cerpina.zane at gmail.com
Fri Apr 29 10:45:36 CEST 2016

Join the Oslo Flaneur Festival

Exploring Oslo in the summer of 2016
June 23nd - 25th June

The OSLO FLANEUR FESTIVAL is a three day 
celebration of the flâneur - the stroller, the 
explorer, the passionate wanderer, the timeless 
image of the human on the move, the nomad, the 
urban explorer, the wanderer, the new pilot of 
humanity in a world in rapid change. O.F.F. 
transforms the flaneur's walk into action based 
urbanism. Together we explore not just the city, 
but also human wanderlust, nature and culture. 
The Flaneur lives inside all of us. We all 
recognize the lone walker and the urban explorer. 
The Flaneur is alone. S/he is the one who removes 
oneself from the world while standing right in 
the middle of its steaming heart. Alone - and 
together with all other flaneurs. During O.F.F. 
everyone in Oslo becomes a flaneur.

We invite proposals for talks, lectures, paper 
presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, 
nomadic & geoaugmented technologies, 
posters/exhibits, walks etc addressing the topic 
of the flaneur:
// The Flaneur symposium is a unique opportunity 
to present and discuss your work on the topic of 
the flaneur. We aim Osloff to become an important 
channel for exchange of information as well as 
experiences between artists, researchers and 
audience alike.

// The Flaneur Exhibition aims to portray the 
flaneur from the most engaging perspective and by 
any media necessary. We invite proposals 
involving photo, video, text, interactive 
technologies, sound etc.
// The Flaneur Journal will be a peer-reviewed 
publication based on the best of the 
contributions. We expect to publish the first 
e-book fall 2016. Call for paper abstracts: 
300-500 words.

Send your proposal to <mailto:osloflaneur at gmail.com>osloflaneur at gmail.com
Deadline: 1st of June



Contact: <mailto:osloflaneur at gmail.com>osloflaneur at gmail.com

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