[artinfo] Challenges of Digital Art for Our Societies

e-artnow info at e-artnow.org
Tue Nov 3 16:24:24 CET 2015

Challenges of Digital Art for Our Societies

Christiane PAUL, Sean CUBITT and Oliver GRAU at 
Dec. 4th, MUMOK Vienna

Danube University Krems, Department for Image Science


at Dec. 4th, MUMOK Vienna

Digital technologies and Digital Art have 
modified and conveyed the ways we perceive and 
interact with images. Socially and culturally 
relevant questions of our time are visualised in 
outstanding works of media art, but due to 
storage difficulties and technologically 
inadequate structures in museums and archives, 
Media Art is still too rarely collected. That 
digital art and its topics are excluded from an 
art system based on tax paying citizens, as in 
Europe, creates a serious democratic-political 
Thus, the humanities are challenged to document 
and analyse digital artworks. It is necessary to 
develop possible solutions for the central 
dilemma of the cultural policy of our time. The 
international conference investigates the changes 
in the expression potential of contemporary media 
art and presents solutions, improvement 
strategies and pioneering research results in 
different fields.


ADA The Archive of Digital Art: THOUSANDS OF 

The ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL has grown to be the most 
important online archive for digital art, 
documenting the rapidly evolving world of digital 
art and its related fields for more than a 
decade. Today it contains a selection of 
thousands of artworks at the intersection of art, 
science and technology.

The newly implemented Web 2.0 environment enables 
collective archiving and community features allow 
the active exchange of professional information 
with peers.

SCHOLARS and ARTISTS are invited to become 
members of the online community and upload 
images, videos, publications and pdfs, announce 
upcoming events, post comments, document 
exhibitions, conferences and other relevant news.

A monthly feature introduces selected scholars 
and artists to all ADA users, currently the 
Australian pioneer in Media Art, Jeffrey Shaw and 
Russian New Media artist Olga 

The new feature ONLINE EXHIBITIONS will convey 
the archive content, curated by ADA members such 
as the renowned scholar and curator Christiane 
PAUL. The first exhibition will show the seminal 
netart exhibitions CODeDOC I & II, focusing on 
code as language and material in digital arts, 
initially conceived for the Whitney Museum of 
American Art and the Ars Electronica Festival in 
2002 and 2003.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree
Erasmus+ funded - European Program of Excellence

We are pleased to announce the call for 
applications for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master 
of Arts Degree in Media Arts Cultures, organized 
jointly by Danube University Krems (Austria), 
Aalborg University (Denmark), University of Lodz 
(Poland) and City University of Hong Kong (China).

Associated partners: Ars Electronica, DAM, FACT, 
monochrom, Laboratory of Research in Art and 
Techno Science, transmediale, ZKM

This new masters of arts program funded by the 
European Union is recognized as a European Master 
of Excellence. This distinction is based on 
offering high-quality learning opportunities for 
students in an emerging field and also signifies 
the importance of Media Arts for the cultural and 
educational future of Europe.

The objective of this joint master program is to 
provide education and training for future 
specialists in Media Arts Cultures and prepare 
them for emerging careers in the creative and 
cultural sectors, research and academia.

Students from European or non-European countries 
will study as a group and in individually chosen 
modules on selected topics like Media Cultural 
Heritage, Archiving, Experience Design, Media 
Arts Theory, New Media Aesthetics, Curating & 
Arts Management, or Media Arts Futures. The 
language of instruction is English. As part of 
the program, students will complete an internship 
at one of the consortium's full or associated 
partners and complete a master's thesis 
supervised by lecturers from the partner 
universities. MediaAC faculty include: Ana 
PERAICA, Christiane PAUL, Falk HEINRICH, Harald 
Jeffrey SHAW, Lev MANOVICH, Maciej OZÓG, Margit 
ROSEN, Morten SONDERGAARD, Oliver GRAU, Ryszard 
many othersŠ

Media Arts Cultures is a mobility program, 
enabling students to study across Europe and in 
Asia. During the two-year program, each student 
will spend three semesters in at least three 
universities, and choose among the EU partners 
for the final semester. After completing the 
program, students will receive a joint master 
degree in Media Arts Cultures from the 
universities they have attended. The program is 
120 ECTS and allows graduates to further pursue a 
PhD within Europe or other international higher 
education regions.

More than 13 of the best EU and non-EU candidates 
will be offered Erasmus+ fully-funded 
scholarships for the duration of the program. 

For applicants requesting an Erasmus+ scholarship 
via the MediaAC Consortium the deadline for 
submitting applications is January 1, 2016.

For self-funded / external-funded applicants the 
deadline for submitting applications is April 15, 
2016 and June 1, 2016.

For more information on the program, please visit:

verena.wagner at donau-uni.ac.at
Verena Wagner

Danube University Krems
Dr. Karl-Dorrek-Strasse 30
3500 Krems, Austria

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