[artinfo] New Release: Slavko Kacunko "Culture as Capital"

Slavko Kacunko slavko.kacunko at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 28 16:37:56 CET 2015

Culture as Capital. Selected Essays, 2011-2014

Slavko Kacunko
ISBN 978-3-8325-3899-6
383 pages, 2015
Preis: 49.80 EUR

keywords: process art, video- and media art, cultural heritage, art 
history and visual culture

By following and reproducing the cultural turn, the rhetoric of 
cultural mix and hybridism is disseminated today primarily in its 
crossing of trade barriers. Cultures reduced to their exchange value 
function as capital - an accumulative, speculative and, ultimately, 
financial affair. In some of its media and site-(un)specific 
manifestations, process art - which aims to encompass both old and 
new media art - seems to resist this pressure, despite, nonetheless, 
not being protected from regulations and incorporations. In the 
present collection of his recent essays, Slavko Kacunko discusses the 
process art by crossing the disciplines of art history and 
comparative media-, visual- and -cultural studies.

As a first approximation, several historiographical remarks on 
closed-circuit video installations underline their importance as a 
core category of process art. In the second part, the problems of 
process art, seen as a threshold of art history, are further examined 
in another retroanalytical step, in which concepts and objects 
related to `mirror', `frame' and `immediacy' are analyzed as the 
triple delimitation of visual culture studies. In the third part, 
previously outlined manifestations of what is termed the `post-visual 
condition' are summarized and projected to the `coreless core' of the 
emerging art and research related to the coreless beings par 
excellence, the bacteria.

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