[artinfo] Nyitott kapuk I Open Doors: KIRALY TAMAS 80's I Tarlatvezetes: okt. 31., 17h

tranzit.hu office office at tranzitinfo.hu
Wed Oct 29 12:06:43 CET 2014

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Tarlatvezetes idopontja: 2014. oktober 31. 17 ora.
A kovetkezo tarlatvezetes idopontja: 2014. november 14., 17 ora

Helyszin: Majakovszkij 102 – a tranzit.hu nyitott irodaja
Cim: 1068 Budapest, Kiraly utca 102.

Nyitva tartas:
szerdatol pentekig: 16-20h;
illetve elozetes idopont egyeztetes alapjan: +36 1 315 2615

Megtekintheto: 2014. oktober 10-tol november 28-ig

Műfaji hatarokon tulmutató ruhaperformanszaival Király Tamas az 1980-as
evek elejen tunt fel Budapest underground muveszeti szinteren. 1988-ban mar
a vilag het vezeto avantgard divattervezoje, koztuk Vivienne Westwood es
Claudia Skoda mellett mutatta be kollekciojat, amelyrol olyan prominens
divatlapok is beszamoltak, mint az i-D es a Vogue. A tranzit. hu kiallitasa
a divattervezo tavaly tragikusan megszakadt alkotoi palyajanak elso
evtizedebe nyujt betekintest, megteremtve ezzel az idaig feldolgozatlan
eletmu tovabbi elemzesenek lehetoseget. A szocialista rendszer felbomlasat
megelozo evek targyi es kepi dokumentumai azt az idoszakot idezik fel,
amikor a turt kategoriába eso muveszeti ellenzek meg az Andrassy uti Fiatal
Muveszek Klubjaban tomorult, de mar senki nem vette zokon, ha valaki a
Parlament voros csillagos kupolajat formazo kalapban fenykepezkedett
Budapest utcain.

Kuratorok: Muskovics Gyula, Soos Andrea

Tovabbi informacio: http://hu.tranzit.org/hu/esemeny/0/2014-10-10/

Facebook esemeny: https://www.facebook.com/events/588826897889515/


Open Doors: KIRALY TAMAS '80s

We hold guided tours in English for groups by request: office at tranzitinfo.hu

Location: Mayakovsky 102 – tranzit. hu open office
Address: 1068 Budapest, Király utca 102.

The exhibition is on view: October 10 - November 28, 2014

Opening hours:
Wednesday to Friday: 4 pm to 8 pm;
and by appointment: +36 1 315 2615

Tamás Király emerged in the beginning of the 1980’s with his cutting-edge
fashion performances in the underground art scene of Budapest. By 1988 he
had presented his collection in Berlin alongside the seven most noted
avantgarde fashion designers including Vivienne Westwood and Claudia Skoda,
and his creations were featured in such prominent fashion magazines as
Vogue and i-D. The exhibition by tranzit. hu is focusing on the first
decade of Király’s work which was brought to a tragic end last year and,
thus, opens up new interpretations about his oeuvre that has not been
researched so far. The objects and documents exhibited recall the last few
years of the socialist era when artists in opposition to the state system
still congregated in the Young Artist’s Club on Andrássy Boulevard. At the
same time, nobody blinked an eye at someone wearing a hat modeled after the
dome of the Hungarian Parliament with the emblematic red star.

Curated by: Gyula Muskovics and Andrea Soós

More information: http://hu.tranzit.org/en/project/0/2014-10-10/

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/588826897889515/

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