[artinfo] Guided Tour: Like a Bird (Trafo Gallery, 6pm Friday 17th January 2014)
Translocal Intézet
fowkes at translocal.org
Wed Jan 15 09:41:12 CET 2014
Guided tour
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** Like a Bird
** Avian Ecologies in Contemporary Art
** Guided Tour with curators 18.00 17 January 2014
Trafó Gallery Budapest
Artists: Greta Alfaro (ES), Anca Benera and Arnold Estefan (RO), Tamás Kaszás / Anikó Loránt (Ex Artists Collective) (HU), Szabolcs Kisspál (HU), London Fieldworks (UK), James Prosek (USA) and Andrea Roe (UK)
Curated by: Maja and Reuben Fowkes
Like a Bird is a group exhibition with a focus on avian ecologies in contemporary art, a theme that provides a platform to investigate intricate questions around the changing human relationship to the natural world, the channelling of environmental awareness and its political dimensions. It examines the dynamic counterpoints between the anthropocentric tendency to perceive birds as metaphors and the rival post-humanist affinity for intra-species dialogue. The title of the exhibition refers to an iconic work of the Hungarian neo-avant-garde, István Haraszty’s Like a Bird from 1972, an elaborate piece combining a bird and a cage that was primarily understood at the time as a symbol for the lack of freedom under socialism. While avian encounters in the public sphere are still layered with stratum of ideology, mythology and national identity, this exhibition asks whether there is today an additional dimension to the avian imaginary, namely that of endangeredness and a shared
ecological predicament.
The exhibition belongs to the River School programme of the Translocal Institute and is realised in the frame of the Green Art Lab Alliance (GALA) and with the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union.
Forthcoming events:
Presentation by Szabolcs Kisspál about his work Greater Hungaries on Saturday 25 January.
The exhibition is on view until 26 January 2014.
For more information see: www.translocal.org
Trafó – House of Contemporary Arts // Trafó Gallery
1094 Budapest, Liliom utca 41. // t/f.: +36 1 456-2044 // fax: +36 1 456-2050 // gallery at trafo.hu // http://translocal.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=570b39e1c8870bc1a61c32e89&id=a6dd7abf57&e=a0c4d65f46 (http://translocal.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=570b39e1c8870bc1a61c32e89&id=f6b6e14a06&e=a0c4d65f46)
Open: Tuesday to Sunday 4-7pm, on performance days 4-10pm
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