[artinfo] tranzit. hu kiallitas - Műveszet veszelyes csillagzat alatt - A muveszet felelossege

tranzit.hu office office at tranzitinfo.hu
Tue Apr 29 23:27:23 CEST 2014


*Idopont: *
2014. majus 9-tol 2014. majus 23-ig es majus 30-ig.
*Helyszin: **Majakovszkij 102, a tranzit. hu nyitott irodaja*, 1068
Budapest, Kiraly u. 102., 1/1., *Irok Boltja* 1061 Budapest Andrassy ut 45
(majus 30-ig) es a *Studio Galeria*, *FKSE*, 1077 Budapest, Rottenbiller
utca 35. (majus 23-ig).

*Nyitva tartas:*
*tranzit.hu <http://tranzit.hu>, FKSE*
Hetfo-Szombat: 14:00-18:00
*Irok Boltja*
Hetfo-Pentek 10:00-19:00, Szombat 11:00-19:00

*Megnyito: *2014. majus 9-en, 18 orakor
*Anca Benera es Arnold Estefan* performanszaval

A *Muveszet veszelyes csillagzat alatt* haromreszes esemeny- es
kiallitas-sorozat *2014. aprilis es junius kozott*, amelynek masodik resze
egy nemzetkozi csoportos kiallitas.

*Resztvevok:* Zbynek Baladran, Anca Benera and Arnold Estefan, etcetera,
Khoor Lilla-Will Potter, KissPal Szabolcs, Avi Mograbi, Olah Mara,
Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Olekszij Radinszkij, PR csoport, Societe
Realiste, Jonas Staal, Szemzo Zsofia, Želimir Žilnik

*Kurator:* Hegyi Dora
*Kuratorasszisztens:* Soos Andrea

*Kapcsolodo programok:*

*2014. majus 10. *
*Olekszij Radinszkij *(Kijev), aktivista, kurator reszvetelevel
filmvetites es beszelgetes az aktualis ukran helyzetrol

*2014. majus 16.*

*Meg mennyi fasizmus? *
*Muveszetelmeleti es gyakorlati szabadiskola*

*2014. majus 23.*
*Jonas Staal* es *Wendelien van Oldenborgh *rotterdami kepzomuveszek
beszelnek muveszeti tevekenyesukrol es a jelenlegi tarsadalmi-politikai
helyzetrol Hollandiaban.

Az esemenysorozat cime *Kallai Erno* muveszettortenesz es kritikus 1942-es,
ugyanezen cimu szoveget idezi, amelyben Kallai, tobbek kozott azt elemezte,
hogy muveszek a masodik vilaghaboru idejen hogyan reagaltak muveikben a
fasizmus megjelenesevel keletkezett egzisztencialis valsagra. Az
esemenysorozat a kortars muveszet jelenlegi feladatat, helyet es
felelosseget vizsgalja az egymast ero valsagok koraban, illetve, annak
fenyeben, hogy az autonom kulturat es a kritikus gondolkodast a
tekintelyelvu allamhatalom korlatozni igyekszik.

Az elmult nehany evtizedben Magyarorszagon a fasiszta jelzo egy pejorativ,
mar-mar sulytalan kifejezesse valt. Annak ellenere, hogy mind az egykori
szocialista vezetes, mind a rendszervaltas utani politikai elit
„antifasisztanak” nyilvanitotta ertekrendjet, a kirekesztest mindket
rendszer eletben tartotta es kulonbozo teruleteken gyakorolta. Mara ez a
negativ sajatossag tortenelmi es politikai tartalommal toltodott fel. Az
1989-es rendszervaltas uj politikai elitje nem reflektalt az antifasiszta
es a neoliberalis kapitalizmust tamogato gondolkodas kozott huzodo
ellentmondasokra, megoszto lehetosegeire. Milyen parhuzamok fedezhetok fel
a jelenlegi, demokraciat fenyegeto veszelyek es a tortenelmi fasizmus
kozott? Mik az ellenallas lehetseges formai? Megtalalhatjuk a jelen krizis
gyokereit a rendszervaltas rendezetlen ideologiai viszonyaiban, az
antifasizmus es a kapitalizmus eszmeinek osszefuggeseben?

A *Muveszet veszelyes csillagzat alatt *a *What, How, and For Whom /
WHW*kuratori csoport a fasizmus mai formait feldolgozo hosszu tavu
kutatasi projektjehez kapcsolodik. A projekt alapfeltevese az, hogy „nema
fasizmus” hatja at a nyugati demokraciak jo nehany jelenlegi mukodesi
elvet: feltoro nacionalizmusok, a kisebbsegek, az idegenek es a bevandorlok
elleni novekvo rasszizmus es diszkriminacio, a szabad velemenynyilvanitas
es a sajto szabadsaganak korlatozasa, az anti-intellektualizmus, vagy
peldaul a maganszfera megsertese a „nemzetbiztonsag” neveben.

Az esemeny- es kiallitas-sorozat a *Beginning As Well As We Can (How Do We
Talk About Fascism?)* cimu nemzetkozi kollektiv projekt resze, amelyben
reszt vesz a *What, How and for Whom? / WHW *es a zagrabi *Alerta*, a
jobboldali szelsosegeket es az antidemokratikus tendenciakat felugyelo
kozpont. A projekt a szelsojobboldali eszmek Europa-szerte megfigyelheto
terhoditasat, a fasizmus kortars formait es hatasait, valamint az
ellenallas es a beavatkozas lehetseges modozatait vizsgalja.

A *Beginning As Well As We Can (How Do We Talk About Fascism?)* cimu
projektet a *European Cultural Foundation es a European Union Culture
Programme 2007-2013* tamogatja.

A tranzit fo partnere az ERSTE Alapitvany.

*Time: *May 9–May 30, 2014
*Venue:* *Mayakovsky 102, the open office of tranzit. hu*, 1068 Budapest,
Kiraly utca 102., *Writers’ Bookstore*, 1061 Budapest Andrassy ut 45 (until
May 30) and the *Studio Gallery of The Studio Young Artists’ Association*,
1077 Budapest, Rottenbiller utca 35 (until May 23).

*Opening hours:*
*tranzit. hu, Studio Gallery*
Monday to Saturday 2 pm to 6 pm
*Writers’ Bookstore*
Monday to Friday 10 am to 7 pm, Saturday: 11 am to 7 pm

*Opening:* May 9, 2014 6 pm
with the performance of *Anca Benera and Arnold Estefan*

*Art Under a Dangerous Star *is a three-part event and exhibition series
between *April and June, 2014*. The title is a quotation by Hungarian art
critic and art historian *Ernst Kallai *form a short text he wrote in 1942
about how artists reacted during the Second World War to the existential
crisis generated by the rise of fascism. More broadly, the project
endeavors to investigate the place, tasks, and responsibilities of
contemporary art in an era overlapping crises, as well as in the face of
the authoritarian state power delimiting self-determined culture and
critical thinking.

The attribute "fascist" in Hungary in the recent decades has been a
pejorative, yet weightless term. Both the totalitarian leadership during
state socialism and the political elite that came to power after the regime
change of 1989 declared their value system "antifascist," even though both
kept alive and practiced exclusion in many fields. Recently, this negative
attribute has been filled with historical and political content. The
political elite of the 1989 regime change did not reflect on the
contradictions and divisive potentials of being anti-fascist and supporting
neoliberal capitalism. What parallels can be seen between these current
threats on democracy and historic fascism? What are possible forms of
resistance? Can we find the roots of today's crises in the ideological
unsettlement of the regime change and the alliance of antifascism and

*Participants: *
Zbynek Baladran, Anca Benera and Arnold Estefan, etcetera, Szabolcs
Kisspal, Lilla Khoor-Will Potter, Avi Mograbi, Marah Olah, PR Group,
Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Oleksiy Radynski, Societe Realiste, Jonas Staal,
Zsofia Szemzo, and Želimir Žilnik

*Curated by *Dora Hegyi
*Assistant curator:* Andrea Soos

*Related programs*

*May 10, 2014*
6 pm
*Oleksyi Radinsky* (Kiev), activist, curator
Film screening and discussion on the current situation in Ukraine

*May 16, 2014*
11 am to 6 pm
*Free School for Art Theory and Practice: How much Fascism?*
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1479453808936032/

*May 23, 2014*
6 pm
Presentation and discussion with Rotterdam-based artists *Jonas Staal*
and *Wendelien
van Oldenborgh *on their artistic practice and the current
cultural-political situation in the Netherlands

*Art Under a Dangerous Star* connects to the long-term international
research project on contemporary forms of fascism, initiated by the
curatorial collective *What, How, and For Whom / WHW*. The project
postulates that “silent fascism” infiltrates several facets of the current
workings of our western “democracies:” rising nationalism; the increasing
racism and discrimination against minorities, foreigners, and immigrants;
restrictions on the freedom of speech and of the press;
anti-intellectualism; or the intrusion of privacy in the name of “national

*Art Under a Dangerous Star *is part of the international collaborative
project *Beginning As Well As We Can (How Do We Talk About Fascism?)*,
with *What,
How and for Whom / WHW *and *Alerta* - Centre for Monitoring of Right-Wing
Extremism and Anti-Democratic Tendencies in Zagreb. The project is a
research on the turn towards far right-wing ideologies throughout Europe
and contemporary forms and impacts of fascism, as well as possible forms of
resistance and interventions to these very tendencies.

The project *Beginning As Well As We Can (How Do We Talk About
Fascism?)*is supported by the *European
Cultural Foundation and the European Union Culture Programme 2007-2013*.

ERSTE Foundation is main partner of tranzit.

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