[artinfo] CFP: Interactivos? Birmingham: Responsive and immersive future technologies

Medialab-Prado Comunicación difusion at medialab-prado.es
Wed Apr 9 19:38:34 CEST 2014

      Interactivos? Birmingham: Responsive and immersive future technologies

      Open Call for Projects

Birmingham City University (UK), Medialab-Prado (Madrid), Sampad (UK), 
mac birmingham (UK), and BBC Birmingham (UK) and are issuing an Open 
Call for projects to be collaboratively developed and presented during 
*Interactivos? Birmingham* (*June 16 -- 28, 2014*), with the 
participation of advisors and technical assistants.

*Venue: mac birmingham <http://www.macarts.co.uk/>*

Deadline: April 30, 2014

Interactivos? Birmingham is a UK based, two week international seminar 
and open innovation prototyping workshop.  The Interactivos? model, 
conceived by Medialab-Prado as a hybrid between an innovation production 
workshop, seminar and exhibition showcase. It is a space for reflection, 
research, collaboration and creation, in which proposals selected by an 
international open call are developed, completed and displayed.

The process will be open to the public from beginning to end. 
Interactivos? is widely regarded as a model of best practice, and in 
bringing the project to Birmingham, this will be the first time the 
Interactivos? project will have been hosted in the UK. In doing so, 
regional and national based individuals will connect to an international 
network of creative and digital professionals for collaboration and 
technological production.



Nerea García Garmendia
Comunicación y contenidos Web en Medialab-Prado
Plaza de las Letras
Calle Alameda, 15. 28014 Madrid
T. 912 191 157

nerea at medialab-prado.es

Twitter: @medialabprado <https://twitter.com/medialabprado>


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