[artinfo] COPULA / SPAJALICA, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art zone, Rijeka, April 8 – May 31, 2014
mmsu at mmsu.hr
Mon Apr 7 13:52:31 CEST 2014
Art in public space
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Copula #2 is a continuation of the current cultural practice related to the reactivation of public and urban space. Additionally, it refers to the lack of adaptation (positioning) of people in social and economic aspirations that channel the global capital flow.
This year’s episode of Spajalica/Copula keeps its current focus – a collective appropriation of urban space and acknowledgment of its public purpose accompanied by artistic goals and community ideas, deliberating the possibilities the city currently offers or hides. However, in the omnipresent hustle with swift changes that elude the majority’s will and impose physical and symbolic distances, this year we are additionally motivated by a subject closely connected to the issue of pushing public space out of the community horizon. We are referring to the trap of the ever more rapidly subjective clock ticking, we look eye to eye with the decay of unplanned entertainment that becomes a derogatory word and a sign of an unwanted worldview – inefficiency and sloth.
Around 30 local and foreign artists, researchers and theorists will implement projects as solo or collaborative initiatives between 8 April and 31 May 2014, in the zone from the main pedestrian area – Korzo – to the edge of Sušak and Delta parking lot, over Karolina Riječka Pier, to the industrial zone near the railway station. As one-day or several-day events, workshops, lectures and public actions, the project will contribute to the idea of a city as a place of creating social alternatives. The generator of temporary art projects will this year step out of the close proximity of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, stretching over the museum boundaries and entering the specifics of particular urban toponyms, for and to the purpose of exchange and mutuality among people.
Copula #2 is a continuation of the current cultural practice related to the reactivation of public and urban space. Additionally, it refers to the lack of adaptation (positioning) of people in social and economic aspirations that channel the global capital flow. These are followed by dilemmas related to wishes for a better future that could be fulfilled by conscious redirection of individual desires and needs. Therefore, the project is still nurturing informal relationships in order to create a situation of mutual trust and empowerment.
Participants: Kreativni Kolektiv Kombinat, ARCHIsquad, Holger Pohl, Tanja Vujasinović, Rino Efendić, Tajči Čekada, Luiza Margan, Dunja Tišma, Marija Kajapi, Una Rebić, Kruno Jošt, Maja Kohek, Lucija Ukić, Sanja Gergorić, Čiko i dokoličari, Mateja Bučar / DUM, Stéphane Querrec, Josip Pino Ivančić, Katze und Krieg, Nika Rukavina, Petra Mrša, Ivana Lučić and Igor Eškinja.
Participants in talks and lectures: Andreja Kulunčić, Raumlabor – Axel Timm, Siniša Labrović, Valentina Zrnić Gulin, Zona 00 - Nina Sindičić, Aaron Schuster, Archisquad, Tina Peraica, Kruno Jošt, Maja Kohek and Suzana Marjanić.
PROGRAM (http://mmsu.us7.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3f698acfe3363eaf9e5b57d84&id=5f9f715fdd&e=11d96ac964)
Curators: Ksenija Orelj & Sabina Salamon
Project manager: Nataša Šuković
Copula is a part Soft Control project http://mmsu.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3f698acfe3363eaf9e5b57d84&id=2cf08b60ae&e=11d96ac964
Supported by: EU – Kultura 2007. – 2013., Ministry of Culture, City of Rijeka, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Institut Francais , Zagreb, Goethe institut, Zagreb
Media Partners: Kulturpunkt, Novi list, Moja Rijeka, RiTv
“With the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union”
Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti
Dolac 1
Rijeka 51000
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