[artinfo] meghívó - kis köz - labor

LABOR labor at c3.hu
Sun Oct 20 21:28:35 CEST 2013

Művészeti és Művészetelméleti Szakkollégium Kísérleti Közösség munkacsoport 
(2013. április-augusztus)
kis köz
(2013. október 22-27)
Művészeti és  Művészetelmélet Szakkollégium Vizuális-és környezetkultúra 
oktatás munkacsoport (2013. november- )
Munkacsoport záró és nyitó kiállítás, közösségiségről, társulásokról, 
időlegességről, folyamatos tárlatvezetéssel, és kapcsolódó eseményekkel.
Barna Orsolya
Kristóf Gábor
Pálinkás Bence György
Rudas Klára
Sándor Anna
közreműködött: Tulisz Hajnalka
Megnyitja: Zsámboki Miklós
Október 22-én 19 órakor.

Helyszín: Labor, Bp., V.kerület, Képíró utca 6.
Nyitva: 23-27-ig 10-től 22 óráig
KÖZ 1) spatium, interstitium, intervallum, intercapedo, diastema két csomó 
közi: internodium; 2) [médium; mitte]. Szélén kopog, közin tsupog (az utca), 
ki közepit uszsza (Thaly: TörtK. 220). 3) [medius; in der mitte befindlich, 
mittel-, zwischen-]. Mindnyaian ket fele szakadanac, az ország mely az ket 
rend közöt köz, elszagattatec: omnia in duas partis abstracta suut, res 
publica, quae média fuerat, dilacerata (Decsi : Sall J. 36). 4) communis 
gémein Köz: socius Az menyaszszonnac és völegénnec egy mással mindenec köz (MA 
: Scult. 945). Valamit egyebet mivelünk, tsak barmokkal köz szamárkodás (Pázm: 
Préd. 3). Köz birodalom: respublica (Fal: NA. 228. Kr.). 5) publicus 
[universus, generális ; allgemein, ötfentlich]. Gyakorta köszönet helyett 
közúnatot nyert (MA. SB. 199). Szenvedtem, szenvedek tovább is közjóért 
(Thaly: Adal. 1.90). 6) vulgaris, vilis [gewöhnhch] gemein, schleclit, gering 
Köz, nem igen betsűs, alá-való: proletarius. A köz varat meggyogyittya, ha meg 
mosod (Mel : Herb. 66). [Közmondások] Köz lónak turos a háta : communis 
tamquam Sisapo MA. (Fal: Jegyz 926). [Szólások] Mi közi a sárnak a tzifrához? 
(Pázni: Préd. 75). Öszvezsugurodnak, hogy senkivel közök ne legyen (Fal : NE. 
25). Most arról intlek : se közöd, se részed ne legyen a libertinismus 
nyájabéliekkel (117). A derék tisztesség mieg-kivánja tőlünk, hogy halkkal 
beszélgessünk., nem zajjal és rikoltással, mintha a szomszéd hegyekkel volna 
közünk (Fal : NA. 189). A hol több tartya valami közét és reménységét 
valamihez, ott elIen•mondások támadnak, és tsorba esik a hitelben (Fal : UE. 
/Magyar Nyelvtörténeti Szótár (szerk. Szarvas-Simonyi), Budapest, 1891./
Advanced College of Art and Art Theory, Experimental Community working group 
(2013. April-August)
ex co
(23th-27th October 2013)
Advanced College of Art and Art Theory, Visual and Environmental Culture 
Education working group (2013. November- )
As the finissage of the work session of Experimental Community group and the 
vernissage of the work session of Visual and Environmental Culture Education 
group the exhibition Ex Co discusses  communality, collectivity and 
temporality with ongoing artist-led guided tours.
Orsolya Barna
Gábor Kristóf
Bence György Pálinkás
Klára Rudas
Anna Sándor
contributor: Hajnalka Tulisz
Exhibition opens on the  22th October 7 PM,

opening speech by Miklós Zsámboki
Opening hours: 23th-27th October 10 AM - 10 PM


What made you want to look up community? Please tell us where you read or 
heard it (including the quote, if possible).
 · July 30 at 9:30am
Josh Rko Smith
now to write a paper about how the United States lacks a sense of community.
Reply ·
 · September 19 at 8:37am
Karen Taylor
wanted exact deffinition for a town meeting where the police treat the members 
of the community, like they live in only a jurisdiction, and not a place where 
people care about people.
Reply ·
 · August 1 at 6:54pm
Lopes Silva · FOTOGRAFIA
love it
Reply ·
 · July 30 at 9:30am
Linda Scott · Northern Arizona University
Looked for, and found, a deeper meaning for an article I am writing.
Reply ·
 · July 20 at 11:45pm
Kenyatta Colón · Owner at Picture Us
Do we "REALLY" have one?
Reply ·
 · July 16 at 12:32pm
Naheed Khan
community is a place where different people get together to fulfill their 
needs according to their circumtanceses.
Reply · 2 ·
 · June 24 at 2:06am
Davina Tham
It's for my studies...
Reply ·
 · May 31 at 12:37am
Jordan Brewer ·  Top Commenter · Works at Swirl It Self Serve Frozen Yogurt
I am currently writing a discussion posting response for my class in criminal 
justice. The assignment calls for the definition of community, as referenced 
from my text book and an outside resource. I chose to use the definition from 
multiple resources and compare and contrast the views of community, I am also 
using this source (http://www.infed.org/community/community.htm) in my 
assignment. The second part of the assignment ask for some examples of 
community crime control methods. My task is to retrieve the information and 
tie together the definition of community and why crime control methods of 
communities is so important, and what types of communities require different 
methods of crime control.
Reply ·
 · April 7 at 10:54pm
Mike-Sherri Sitton
Can you share your findings
Reply ·
 · July 19 at 4:37pm
Mumukunde Bernadette · University of Florida
I had the assignement about the similalities and differences between the 
community and collectivity.thet it was necessary to know the community 
Reply ·
 · November 21, 2012 at 8:53am
Alyssa Kilambi (signed in using Hotmail)
I am writing a paper for my UCSB television history class, Network Television 
to the Digital Era. I am writing about how a sense of community through media, 
specifically through how we receive news, has become fractured. With network 
television and the printed newspaper everyone received the same news at the 
same time overall. However, now with the internet being a medium for news, 
people read/view news at different times and can even participate in comment 
threads on many news sites.
Reply ·
 · June 7, 2012 at 2:48pm
Cromwell Hooper
Making training material on "community development parameters".
Reply ·
 · May 30, 2012 at 8:19pm
Sheila Hume Harris · Harbor Creek High School
I am giving a Junior Achievement course to second graders at my 
granddaughter's school. The course is all about COMMUNITIES.
Reply ·
 · March 21, 2012 at 6:12am
Roderick Brown · Greenville, Mississippi
I was studying my Sunday School lesson and the Topic of the lesson was 
Choosing Community Wisely and it came from the book of Ruth.
Reply · 2 ·
 · August 13, 2011 at 7:20pm
Jc Corcuera · Araullo university cabanatuan city
ahhh hemmm ewan.
Reply ·
 · July 5, 2011 at 7:12am
Ingrid Briles · Works at Texas Panhandle Centers Behavioral and Developmental 
Personal. Someone is promoting community and I see what they are promoting as 
a clique. Community is inclusive - clique is exclusive.
Reply · 2 ·
 · July 4, 2011 at 9:44pm

/ http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/community /


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