[artinfo] FRAMINGS Call for Papers

Slavko Kacunko kacunko at hum.ku.dk
Thu Jun 13 01:15:41 CEST 2013

Interdisciplinary Conference on Frames
University of Copenhagen
29. November - 1. December 2013

Open Call for Papers

The conference will bring together strands of 
international research on frames that took place 
over the past 5 years and extend the conceptual 
and material framework of interdisciplinary 
between the Humanities, Social- and Communication 

Expected and welcomed are contributions from art 
and media history and theory, philosophy and 
cultural studies, dance and theater studies, film 
theory and film semiotics, literature and music, 
communication science, visual and textile 
studies, and computer science

Submissions are solicited in, but not limited to, the following areas:
Å° frames in art and art history ÅÝ dialectical 
nature of frames ÅÝ framing strategies in 
medieval texts ÅÝ mediality of the frame ÅÝ 
parergon ÅÝ framing (with) textiles Å° conceptual 
frameworks ÅÝ mirrors  ÅÝ (video-)feedback ÅÝ 
'frame generators' Å° self-reflexive practices ÅÝ 
frame as 'metaphor generator' ÅÝ performativity 
of the frame Å° interdisciplinary and 
methodological aspects of framings.

Each paper will be allocated 20 minutes.
The language chosen for the conference is English.

Abstracts of about 200 words, as well as a C.V., should be sent by
17th May 2013 to the following address: kacunko at hum.ku.dk

The Conference is a cooperation of the Department 
of Arts and Cultural Studies and the DRNF´s 
Centre for Textile Research at Copenhagen 
University, as well as the Department of Art 
History at Düsseldorf University.

It will take place in Copenhagen from 29. Nov.-1. Dec. 2013.

The papers are planned to be published in 2014.

For more information check: www.framings.org

Slavko Kacunko, PD Dr. Phil. Habil.
Professor, Kunsthistorie og Visuel Kultur
Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab
Karen Blixensvej 1
DK-2300 København S

Kontor: 21.4.27
Telefon: +45 353-28221
Mobil: +49 160-7520015
Fax: +45 353-28222
E-mail: kacunko at hum.ku.dk
Web: www.slavkokacunko.com

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