[artinfo] zero views

Paolo Ruffino p.ruffino at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 19:17:01 CEST 2013

The 'First-Viewer Television', a project by the art collective I 
collaborate with, IOCOSE (http://iocose.org)
It is a playlist, updated every 20 minutes, of zero-views videos from YouTube

The API collects videos with a zero view count, and updates the 
playlist every 20 minutes. Whatever you see on the First-Viewer TV, 
you are the first viewer of it.
It is part of the NoTube project http://www.iocose.org/works/notube 
an ongoing series of works based on YouTube's search engine and 
archive of

'Zero views' is the new 'one billion views'.


paolo ruffino

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