[artinfo] DEMOLITION – call for films

ober at emdash.org ober at emdash.org
Sat Jul 21 20:57:34 CEST 2012

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [oberlist] MD* call/film: SPACES: DEMOLARE – apel pentru filme /
DEMOLITION – call for films
From:    "Vladimir US" <vladimir at oberliht.org.md>
Date:    Sat, July 21, 2012 9:47 pm
To:      oberlist at lists.idash.org


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SPACES: DEMOLARE – apel pentru filme / video

In cadrul proiectului SPACES / programul de rezidenta CHIOSC, intre 17
august – 1 septembrie 2012, la invitatia Asociatiei Oberliht, la
Chisinau se vor afla trei colective de arhitecti din orasele Brno
(Cehia), Tbilisi (Georgia) si Bucuresti (Romania). Cu aceasta ocazie
un cinema in aer liber va fi instalat linga APARTAMENT-ul DESCHIS
) unde va fi prezentat un program de proiectii de film in relatie cu
spatiul public.

Drept parte a programului de proiectii una din seri va fi dedicata
subiectului demolarii din zonele urbane. Sintem in cautarea unor filme
care documenteaza acte ale demolarii infaptuite in diverse contexte,
regimuri politice sau ideologice, conditii economice sau sociale, care
au dominat in trecut sau domina in prezent si astfel contribuie la
formarea noilor identitati urbane.

Facem apel catre directorii de film din toata lumea, profesionisti sau
amatori, sa contribuie prin a trimite filme la tema demolarii in
zonele urbane. Filmele pot avea orice format sau dimensiuni. Pentru ca
ducem lipsa de timp va rugam sa ne transmiteti lucrarile online printr-
un serviciu cum ar fi vimeo.com, wetransfer.com, trasnfer.ro sau
altul. Vom fi bucurosi daca ati putea sa ne sugerati si filme ale
altor autori pe care sa le putem prezenta public.

Nu este un festival sau competitie. Filmele vor fi proiectate cu
scopul explorarii naturii spatiului public si identitatii sale
schimbatoare. Daca doriti sa contribuiti si daca filmul vostru se va
potrivi temei noi il vom include in program. Evenimentul este unul non-
profit si acceptind sa luati parte la acesta ne oferiti acordul vostru
de a-l proiecta gratuit in perioada anuntata mai sus.

data limita pentru trimiterea lucrarilor este 10 august 2012

Pe linga film rugam sa expediati la adresa vladimir at oberliht.org.md
numele/prenumele autorului, titlul filmului, durata, anul producerii
si un scurt sinopsis in romana sau/si engleza.

Va multumim!

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SPACES: DEMOLITION – call for films / videos

In the frame of SPACES project / KIOSK residency program, between
August 17 – September 1, 2012 Oberliht Association will host in
Chisinau three architects’ collectives from Brno (Czech Republic),
Tbilisi (Georgia) and Bucharest (Romania). An open air cinema will be
installed next to FLAT SPACE (http://chiosc.oberliht.com/apartament)
and a program of films related to the public spaces in different
cities will be screened.

As part of the screening program we would like to dedicate one evening
to the topic of demolition in urban areas. We are interested in films
documenting acts of demolition in various contexts, as a result of
dominant past and new politic or ideologic regimes, economic or social
conditions that led to the act of demolition and thus produced new
urban identities.

We call all professional and amateur filmmakers from over the world to
contribute by sending us your film related to the topic of demolition
in urban areas. It can be in all sizes and formats. Due to the short
time we prefer to receive the films trough online services like
vimeo.com, wetransfer.com, transfer.ro and others. Also if you have
suggestions on films we could screen publicly we will be happy to
receive them.

This is not a festival or competition. The screenings are organized in
order to explore the nature of public space and its constantly
changing identity. If you want to contribute to this initiative and
your film fits the subject we will be happy to screen it. The
screening is a non profit event. By agreeing to participate you agree
to give us the rights to screen your film free of charge during the
announced period.

deadline for sending the contributions is August 10, 2012

Please also send the name of the author, title of the film, duration,
year of production and a short synopsis in English and/or Romanian to
vladimir at oberliht.org.md

Thank you!

Vladimir US

CHIOSC   |   curator


Proiectul CHIOSC este realizat cu suportul financiar al Fundatiei
Culturale Europene http://www.eurocult.org

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"

tel/fax:	+ (373 22) 286317
email: 	vladimir at oberliht.org.md
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information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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