[artinfo] Theoretical and Critical Problems of the Margins Today

Feher Zsuzsanna Feher.Zsuzsanna at ludwigmuseum.hu
Sat Apr 21 14:43:16 CEST 2012

Szeretettel varunk minden erdeklodot! 

A marginalitas elmeleti es kritikai problemai napjaink muveszeteben 
Muveszetelmeleti eloadassorozat angol nyelven

Tobb mint husz evvel a rendszervaltas utan a globalitas, az egymassal vetelkedo eszmek sokfelesegenek koraban, beszelhetunk-e meg marginalitasrol, s vajon marginalis helyzetben van-e a kortars kozep-kelet-europai muveszet? Az eloadassorozat celja, hogy uj megvilagitasba helyezze a Kelet es Nyugat kapcsolatat, a centrum es periferia kerdeseit a muveszetben, egykor es ma. A meghivott eloadok a vilag vezeto muveszetteoretikusai; az altaluk felvetett kerdesekre hazai szakemberek reflektalnak.

A majus 3-i eloadas:
A Passion for History in the Depoliticized and Castrated European Union Regime
Eloado: Marina Gržinić filozofus, muvesz, media teoretikus, Ljubljana, Becs Az eloadasra reflektal: Eross Nikolett es Kekesi Zoltan, moderator: Babarczy Eszter

Ludwig Muzeum - Kortars Muveszeti Muzeum
Eloadoterem, 1. emelet

Theoretical and Critical Problems of the Margins Today Art theory lecture series in English

More than 20 years after the political transformation and end of the Cold War, we would like to take stock of emergent trends in contemporary art theory related to the marginal positions. The situation and position of art and art history in East-Central Europe have changed in the new world order, in an increasingly globalized world in which physical and cultural proximity are complexly interrelated. It seems that at the moment there is no widely accepted "master" narrative or dominant paradigm in art theory. Rather, we find ourselves in a pluralistic global market of ideas, circulating within uncertain, fluctuating boundaries among a number of different paradigms and competing theories. In the framework of the Budapest Ludwig lecture series, we would like to better understand how leading art theoreticians view the present situation and the criteria for an art theory that would contribute to interpret the marginal or ex-marginal positions.

3rd May lecture:
A Passion for History in the Depoliticized and Castrated European Union Regime
Lecturer: Marina Gržinić, philosopher, artist media theorist, Ljubljana, Vienna
Respondants: Nikolett Erőss and Zoltán Kékesi, Moderator: Eszter Babarczy

Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art
Auditorium, 1st floor

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