[artinfo] tranzit.hu Szabadiskola, David Chioni Moore es Vit Havranek nyilvanos eloadasa, okt. 14., 19 ora, CEU

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Sat Oct 8 22:47:33 CEST 2011

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2011. oktober 14., 19 ora
Kozep-europai Egyetem, Eloadoterem (CEU, Auditorium)
1051 Budapest, Nador utca 9.

A tranzit.hu <http://hu.tranzit.org/hu/> Muveszetelmeleti es Gyakorlati
Szabadiskolajanak oszi vendegei *David Chioni Moore* kulturaelmelet-iro
(International Studies, English, and African Studies, Macalester College,
St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) es *Vit Havranek *teoretikus, kurator (tranzit.
cz, Praga, Csehorszag) lesznek.

A meghivott eloadok az oktober 14-15-i, *A posztkolonialis 21. szazad:
Kozep-Europa es, ami azon tul* van cimu szeminariumon a resztvevokkel azt
vizsgaljak, hogy a Kelet- es Kozep-Europaban az elmult 25 evben
bekovetkezett valtozasok nyoman kialakult tarsadalmi es kulturalis helyzetet
a posztkommunista és posztszovjet fogalmakon tul, a posztkolonializmus
fogalma menten is ertelmezhetoek-e.

A Szabadiskola keretén belul, és egyuttmukodesben a Kozep-europai Egyetem
Kulturalis es Muveszeti Kozpontjával (Center for Arts and Culture at CEU),
David Chioni Moore és Vit Havranek nyilvanos eloadasara kerul sor.

*David Chioni Moore: *Szarajevo, Szaloniki, Kairo, Kumasi, Konstantinapoly,
Kasztilia: Retrospektiv kozmpolitanizmus es a New York-i kedelyallapot

Minden korszak, minden tarsadalmi problematika megteremti a hozza illo
stilust: a gyarmati hoditas soran megjelent az orientalizmus, az elso
vilaghaborut kovetoen a dada, az abszurd az atombomba arnyekaban, a
posztmodern a keso kapitalizmus kulturalis logikajakent. De milyen stilus,
milyen mufaj, milyen reprezentacios halo jellemzi a jelenlegi globalis kort?
Mind az antropologia, a tortenelem, a szociologia, a kulturaelmelet, a
szepirodalom, valamint az irodalomtudomany ujkeletu, kiemelkedo muveiben
David Chioni Moore kulturaelmelet-iro egy athato uj reprezentacios stilust
kulonboztet meg – a retrospektiv kozmpolitanizmust. Ez alatt a korabbi
konvivialitas felfedezeset es udvozleset erti, amely feltunoen hasonlit a
ma, sokak altal vagyott konfliktusmentes transznacionalitasra. Az eloadas
soran targyalt kutatok és irok kozott szerepel Mark Mazower, Salman Rushdie,
Kwame Appiah, Amitav Ghosh, Karen Barkey, es Maria Rosa Menocal, akik mind a
“New York-i kedelyallapotban” elnek es alkotnak.

*Vit Havranek:* Nehany jol ismert, 1960-as evekbeli muveszeti gyakorlat
ujragondolasa a poszt-bipolaris tortenelem idejeben

Ellentetes arcanak elvesztese, amelynek utopisztikus igazsagaban ismerte fel
magat a nyugat, illetve a nyugattal valo felzarkozas gondolatanak vonzereje,
a masodik vilag orszagainak az  elso vilag orszagai koze olvadasanak
velejaroja volt. Ma már a masodik vilag nem letezik, egy uj (az elso?) vilag
reszeve valt. Azonban beolvadasa atalakitotta az elso vilagot, mivel az
magaval hozta gyarmati multjat és posztkolonialis jelenet, valamint minden
velejaro traumajat. A nyugat es a kelet ketpolusossaganak esszencializalasa,
amelynek a nyugat es a kelet is aldozatava valt, figyelmen kivul hagyta a
harmadik és a negyedik vilag letezeset; ma sincs ez maskepp. A hideghaboru
alatt valoban a harmadik vilag vita targyat kepezte a ket kolonizalo
birodalom hatalmi harcaban. Havranek az eloadasaban nehany tortenelmi,
kulcsfontossagu kutatasra tamaszkodva kiserel meg az esszencializalt
nyugat-kelet bipolaritastol elszakadni, valamint az eloadas soran a keleti
szatellit orszagok muveszetet a posztkolonialis megkozelitesbol targyalni.

Az eloadas angolul zajlik.

A zartkoru szeminariumra oktober 14-15-en kerul sor elozetes jelentkezes

Tovabbi informacio:

A tranzit kortars muveszeti program fo tamogatoja az Erste Alapitvany


*October 14, 2011, 7 pm
Central European University Auditorium
1051 Budapest, Nador utca 9.*

The invited seminar leaders for the fall
tranzit.hu<http://hu.tranzit.org/en>Free School for Art Theory and
Practice are cultural theorist
*David Chioni Moore* (International Studies, English, and African Studies,
Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA) and theorist, curator *Vit
Havranek* (tranzit. cz, Prague, Czech Republic).

The two-day seminar of David Chioni Moore and Vit Havranek,* The
Postcolonial 21st Century: Central Europe and Beyond* at the Free School on
October 14-15, 2011, examines whether the transformations in Eastern and
Central Europe in the last 25 years, typically termed post-Soviet or
post-communist, can also be termed post-colonial.

The Free School for Art Theory and Practice, in cooperation with the Center
for Arts and Culture at CEU, presents a public lecture with David Chioni
Moore and Vit Havranek.

*David Chioni Moore*: Sarajevo, Salonica, Cairo, Kumasi, Constantinople,
Castile: Retrospective Cosmopolitanism and a New York State of Mind

Every era and every social problematic yields a corresponding style:
Orientalism alongside colonial conquest, Dada in the aftermath of World War
I, Absurdism in the shadow of the bomb, postmodernism as the cultural logic
of late capitalism. But what style, what genre, what representational
lattice for the current global age? Ranging across prominent recent works in
anthropology, history, sociology, cultural theory, fiction, and literary
studies, the cultural theorist David Chioni Moore identifies a pervasive new
representational style — retrospective cosmopolitanism, defined as the
invention and celebration of older convivialities which look remarkably like
the conflict-free transnationalities many wish for today. Scholars and
writers engaged include Mark Mazower, Salman Rushdie, Kwame Appiah, Amitav
Ghosh, Karen Barkey, and Maria Rosa Menocal, all living and writing in a
“New York state of mind.”

*Vit Havranek*: Some Well Known Artistic Practices of the 1960s Revisited in
the time of Post-Bipolar History

The loss of its obverse face, in whose utopian justice the West recognised
itself, and a fascination with the notion of catching up with the West went
hand in hand with the process of the absorption of the Second World into the
First. Today the Second World no longer exists; it has become part of a new
(First?) World. However, its absorption transformed the First World, for it
brought its own colonial past along with its post-colonial present and all
the concomitant traumas. The essentialisation of this bipolarity which both
the West and the East became victims to overlooked the existence of the
Third and Fourth worlds and continues to do so. Indeed, during the Cold War
the Third World had been a matter of dispute in the power struggle between
both colonial empires. A talk based on some historical key studies shall
attempt to break free from this essential East-West bipolarity and view the
art of the Eastern satellite countries we will be dealing with here from a
post-colonial standpoint.

The lecture will be in English.

The closed seminar will be on October 14-15, 2011, based on applications.

More info about the seminar:

tranzit’s main financial support comes from the Erste Foundation

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