[artinfo] A tranzit. hu altal alapitott Katalizator-dij iden masodszorra kerul atadasra
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office at tranzitinfo.hu
Fri Nov 4 13:52:30 CET 2011
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Iden masodszorra kerul atadasra a tranzit. hu altal alapitott
A dij olyan szemelyeket, projekteket, kezdemenyezeseket kivan ertekelni,
amelyek kozvetve vagy kozvetlenul hatassal vannak a kortars kepzomuveszeti
elet mukodesere – progressziv tartalmi vagy formai megoldasokkal jarulnak
hozza a muveszet bemutatasahoz, megvitatasahoz es kozvetitesehez. A dij
egyarant ertekeli az intezmenyi hatter vagy tamogatas nelkul letrejovo,
illetve intezmenyes kereteken belul megszuleto progressziv
kezdemenyezeseket. Hogy miben all ez a progresszio, elore nem
meghatarozott, mivel e lenyegi kerdes a tranzit. hu szandeka szerint
folyamatos szakmai vita targyat kepzi. A Katalizator-dij celja, hogy
erosodjon az inspiralo muveszeti kezdemenyezesek megbecsulese, illetve
ennek kollektiv jellege. A dijazas ily modon az elismeres tarsadalmi
gyakorlatat kivanja osztonozni, celja nem pusztan a presztizsteremtes.
Azaz, a Katalizator-dij a dijazas keretet es intezmenyet eszkozkent, nem
celkent hasznalja.
2011-ben a tranzit. hu ket kategoriaban hirdeti meg a Katalizator-dijat:
1. motor (hosszu tavon aktiv, de mindenkeppen katalizatorkent mukodo vagy
egykoron mukodott kezdemenyezesek);
2. ujdonsag (a kozelmult katalizatornak tekintett kezdemenyezesei)
Jeloles és tovabbi informacio a Katalizator-dij blogon:
A mindenki szamara nyilt jeloles 2011. november 30,. 24:00-ig tart.
A Katalizator-dij dijazottjai egyenkent 500.000 Ft dijazasban és egy
muvesz altal tervezett dijban reszesulnek.
A zsuri tagjai:
Balla Zoltan, kepzomuvesz
Hegyi Dora, kurator
Somogyi Hajnalka, kurator
Szemerey Samu, epitesz,
Szalai Borbala, muveszettortenesz
Turai Hedvig, muveszettortenesz
Jelena Vesic, kurator (Belgrad)
Dijkioszto: 2011. december 5., FUGA Budapesti Epiteszeti Kozpont
A jeloloidoszak alatt lathato videosorozatunk a civil dijazas
filozofiajarol szol, es kulonfele alternativ kezdemenyezeseket mutat be.
Elso beszelgetesunk Lackfi Janossal, a Nizzai Kavics-dij alapitojaval
Link a videohoz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9aqdr4R2s0&feature
A tranzit kortars muveszeti program fo tamogatoja az Erste Alapitvany
This year, for the second time, the Catalyst Award, founded by tranzit. hu,
will be handed out.
The award is given to individuals, projects, and initiatives which,
directly or indirectly, have an impact on the contemporary art scene–they
contribute to the presentation, discussion and mediation of art with their
progressive approach of form or substance. The award equally recognizes
progressive initiatives without institutional background or support, as
well as initiatives emerging within an institutional framework. What
"progressiveness" actually stands for is not predefined as this fundamental
issue–in accordance with the intentions of tranzit. hu –will be the focus
of a continuous professional debate. The goal of the Catalyst Award is to
enhance the appreciation, and its collective character, of inspiring
artistic initiatives. The award, therefore, purports to encourage the
social practice of recognition; its goal is not solely to create prestige.
Hence, the Catalyst Award deploys the framework and institution of the
awarding as a means, not as an end in itself.
In 2011, tranzit. hu invites nominations for the Catalyst Award in two
1. motor (initiatives which have been active for a long time, but function,
or functioned, as a catalyst);
2. novelty (initiatives of the recent past which are considered to be
Nomination and more info on the Catalyst Award blog:
The nomination is open to everyone and is until November 30, 12pm.
The Catalyst Award awards a prize of HUF 500,000 per project, and a prize
designed by an artist.
Jury members:
Zoltan Balla, artist
Dora Hegyi, curator
Hajnalka Somogyi, curator
Samu Szemerey, architect
Borbala Szalai, art historian
Hedvig Turai, art historian
Jelena Vesic, curator (Belgrade)
The award ceremony: December 5, 2011, FUGA Budapest Center of Architecture
tranzit’s main financial support comes from the Erste Foundation
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