Sári Stenczer stenczer at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 14:30:39 CET 2011


The aim of this art & technology grant bestowed annually by
voestalpine and Ars Electronica is to honor new and extraordinarily
promising ideas and to support the process of developing them further.
Artistic and social innovations are what we’re looking for;
technological and scientific approaches too! Whatever it is, the
accent should definitely be on striving to conceptualize something in
a totally fresh way, advancing it to the next level and significantly
enhancing it thereby. Taking the next big step forward.

We seek to nurture projects that deal with three themes of key
importance to humankind’s future: energy, mobility and access.
Alternative models for improved ways of using energy and resources;
concepts and ideas for a world that has become more mobile and more
globalized; measures and projects designed to enable broader access to
and participation in the possibilities afforded by our modern
Information Society.

Men and women worldwide who have developed but not yet implemented a
concept in the fields of art, design or technology are encouraged to
apply for this grant. The recipient will receive a cash stipend in the
amount of €7,500 and an invitation to spend three months in Linz as
Artist/Scientist-in-Residence at Ars Electronica.

The project or concept singled out for recognition in this way will be
presented in the Prix Ars Electronica’s “CyberArts” catalog and at the
Festival Ars Electronica in the current year.
The awarding of this grant is made possible by voestalpine.

Submission Details
Each submission has to include the following parts:

video documentation (approx. 3 min.)
concept description
production plan

Each concept is to be entered in the form of a video documentation
(approx. 3 min.), in which the author of the project personally
introduces the concept.

The concept description should explain the essentials of the idea and
how it could be realized in terms of technical details (hardware and
software), production tasks, and spatial requirements.

The production plan should contain a clear description of the
production tasks involved in the project, and an indication of whether
the particular task is to be performed by the entrant personally or by
someone else (e.g. Ars Electronica Futurelab personnel).

Please note that the Jury’s decision will be based primarily on the
concept description and he production plan, so please be sure that the
information provided in your entry is as specific as possible.

This competition is open to all kinds of innovative concepts and ideas
in the fields of

Art, Design, Technology

It is an essential precondition that the concept submitted deal with
at least one of the prescribed thematic fields energy, mobility and

Evaluation Criteria
Every concept submitted for consideration will be evaluated by a jury
of experts in the order in which it was received according to the
following criteria:
Relevance for the creative community in art, technology and society,
Artistic and/or technical innovativeness of the content,
and Originality and significance of the idea.

Strictly commercially oriented productions (product advertisements,
etc.) are ineligible.
In addition to the works entered by participants, each Jury may also
nominate other works.

Presentation of the Grant Recipient’s Project
The grant recipient’s project or concept will be showcased at the
Festival Ars Electronica. If possible, the preparations for this
exhibition will be made within the framework of an
Artist/Scientist-In-Residence term in Linz.
The grant applicant must provide assurance that he/she will definitely
present his/her project or concept at the Festival Ars Electronica.
This presentation must be arranged in consultation with the festival
organizers, who reserve the right to take festival programming
considerations into account in prescribing the format of the
The stipend in the amount of 7,500 Euro will be awarded on a one-time
basis to the entrant(s) submitting the concept selected by the Jury,
and includes all travel and lodging costs during the term of residency
and/or during the Festival Ars Electronica, regardless of whether the
concept was submitted by an individual entrant or a group of entrants.
If the stipend is awarded to such a group, then participation in the
residency program is limited to three persons from among the group.
Prior to beginning the work and/or the Residency, any and all costs
and expenditures of effort that this presentation will entail must be
discussed and agreed to by the grant recipient and the festival
organizers. These provisions will then be the subject of a formal,
written agreement.

Submission Deadline: March, 30 2011 (date of the postmark is determinative)

For detailed information about the grant please check:

Contact: nextidea at prixars.aec.at


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