Divus / Umelec / EA easternalliance-news at konference.dexus.net
Thu Jul 14 15:29:00 CEST 2011

Full English description after / and below

přijďte / come to

D I V U S . P R A G E R . K A B A R E T T
v úterý 19. července od 20ti hodin
on Tuesday July 19 from 8 pm

shlédnout / and see

L Á S K U . Z . P E K L A
L O V E . F R O M . H E L L

něco málo o mizení moderního
které jsme nepochopili
ve filmech z neklidného Mexika

bits and pieces about the disappearance
of a modernity that we never understood
in films from troubled Mexico

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Marisol Rodriguez o Lásce z pekla

Kdyby jen …

Dění, které vypadalo jako Randovská fikce, dalo vlastní tvar hnutí, jež v
konečném  důsledku podlehlo systematickému selhání institucí, z nichž 
sestával stát, jak jej známe.
Jedno ministerstvo padalo za druhým, dokud nepadl sám prezidentský úřad -
poté, co se stal pro své občany naprosto a úplně neužitečným.  Nebyla to
početná skupinka, i když jejich metody byly velmi účinné a rychlé, možná
proto, že byly tak krvavé a brutální. Pět měsíců po zahájení bitvy
vykreslila mrtvá těla nové hranice, a středo-, jiho- a
severoamerická krev se mísily s pískem pouště a vytvářely husté bahno, jež
se táhlo daleko za Texas, Nové Mexiko a Oklahomu.
Tiché město. Občasný zvuk helikoptéry vytváří dojem očekávání, i když
nikoho nezastraší, zvláště ne skupinky nomádů, které postupně znovu
začínají vytvářet dojem normálnosti v troskách města bez zákona.  Systém
zmizel, spolu s ním jeho kriminální podsystémy, spolu s nimi i strach.
Nová společnost se znovu sama buduje, jen aby se vrátila k týmž zločinům,
které ji dovedly ke zničení struktury minulé.  Bylo potřeba hodně odvahy,
aby se dostala až sem, a také hodně střeliva.
V dálce začíná znít zvon. Pak se ozve výstřel. Potlesk. Není čas na hříchy
či pokání. Je čas jen na obnovu.

Následující výběr videonahrávek z Mexika je přehlídkou ctností i
nectností, kterou bude naše nová společnost potřebovat k tomu, aby
antropologickým pohledem zvážila a přezkoumala sama sebe, a mohla tak
přestavět struktury, jež chce zachovat a za každou cenu se vyhnout minulým
Pomoci by mohly nové pracovní buňky, jak je navrhla Marcela Armas v One
Day Of Work (Jeden pracovní den). Brutální ukázka moci a síly státu ve
videích Enrique Jezika ukazuje, čemu je třeba se vyhnout. Tradiční role
mužů a žen musí být zapomenuty, a – to především – zesměšněny, jak ukazuje
Dancing Queen od umělce jménem Naufus Ramirez-Figueroa. Tři odlišné
pohledy na konzumní předměty minulosti chtějí ukázat – jako jakési
didaktické wunderkammern – jak přesně dochází k vulgarizaci a později
destrukci moderního života.

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Láska z pekla je výběr z experimentální filmové tvorby převážně mexických
umělců, který můžete vidět v Divus Prager Kabarett od 19. července do 20.
srpna 2011. Společně s těmito snímky bude v srpnu během Lásky z pekla
každý čtvrtek k shlédnutí projekce výběru z díla Alejandra Jodorowskyho a
několik dalších filmových překvapení.


19 července / July 19
20:00: Opening and exhibition of the video selection
21:00: Screening of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain
23:00: DJ Set by Los Dos Brothers (Mexico)

20. července - 20. srpna (mimo neděle)
July 20 – August 20 (except Sundays)
12:00 - 20:00
Projekce výběru z videa a filmů + filmová překvapení
Exhibition of the video selection + surprise content inside the cafeteria


28. července / July 28
21:00 - Alejandro Jodorowsky - El Topo

4. srpna / August 4th
21:00 - Alejandro Jodorowsky - Fando a Lis (Fando y Lis)

11. srpna / August 11
21:00 - Alejandro Jodorowsky - Svatý kopec (The Holy Mountain)

18. srpna / August 18
21:00 - Alejandro Jodorowsky - El Topo

19. srpna / August 19
21:00 - Alejandro Jodorowsky - Fando a Lis (Fando y Lis)


Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ivan Edeza, Enrique Jezik, Miguel Rodriguez
Gabriel Acevedo Velarde, Marcela Armas, Colectivo Marcelaygina, Luis
Felipe Ortega, Yoshua Okon, Nufus Ramirez-Figueroa, Carla Herrera Prats a

Jižní křídlo / South Wing
ORCO, Bubenská 1
Praha 7
Czech Republic


Love From Hell by marisol Rodriguez

If only…

What looked like a Randian fiction gave shape to a movement only congruent
with the systematic failure of the institutions that conformed the State,
as we knew it.
One by one the ministries felled until the Presidency itself collapsed
after being completely and utterly useless to its citizens.
It was not a numerous group, although their methods, maybe because they
were so bloody and brutal, turned out to be quickly effective. 5 months
after the beginning of the battle the frontiers were redefined by corpses
and central, south and north American blood that mixed with the sand of
the desert, creating a dense mud that extended beyond Texas, New Mexico
and Oklahoma.
Silence city. The occasional sound of a helicopter creates expectation,
although not intimidation, between the groups of new nomads that rebuild
little by little a glimpse of normality among the debris of a city without
The system has disappeared, with it, its criminal subsystems, with them,
fear. A new society is rebuilding itself, if only to return to the same
vices that took them to destroy the past structure. It took a lot of
courage to get here, a lot of ammunition too.
In the distance a church bell starts sounding. Then one shot. Applause.
There is no time for sins or atonement. There is just time to rebuild.

The following video selection from Mexico conforms a catalogue of virtues
and vices that our new society will need to consider and review with
anthropological eyes in order to rebuild whatever structures it wants to
keep and avoid at all costs the past wrong doings.
New work cells shall be considered as proposed by Marcela Armas in her
video One Day Of Work. The brutal display of power and strength by the
State as shown in Enrique Jezik’s videos must be avoided. The traditional
roles of men and women must be forgotten and, most importantly, mocked, as
shown in Naufus’s Dancing Queen. Three different views of our past objects
of consumption conform the present selection that tries to show, as in a
didactic wunderkammern, how exactly the vulgarization, and later
destruction of modern life came to be.

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Love From Hell is a selection of videos of mainly Mexican artists that
will be shown in Divus Prager Kabarett from July 19th until August 19th,
Together with the videos that are part of Love From Hell, a selection of
Alejandro Jodorowsky’s movies will be shown in August on the Thursdays of
every week.


19 července / July 19
20:00: Opening and exhibition of the video selection
21:00: Screening of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain
23:00: DJ Set by Los Dos Brothers (Mexico)

July 20 – August 20 (except sundays)
12 am - 8 pm
Exhibition of the video selection + surprise content inside the cafeteria


July 28
9 pm - Alejandro Jodorowsky - El Topo

August 4th
9 pm - Alejandro Jodorowsky - Fando y Lis

August 11
9 pm - Alejandro Jodorowsky - The Holy Mountain

August 18
9 pm - Alejandro Jodorowsky - El Topo

August 19
9 PM - Alejandro Jodorowsky - Fando y Lis

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The Holy Mountain
1973, Directed By Alejandro Jodorowsky
A filming process guided by LCD and the Ascent of Mount Carmel by St. John
of the Cross gives this cult film its psychedelic aesthetics in a story
about Heaven and Earth located in 1970's Mexico. Alejandro Jorodowsky's
masterpiece, long kept away from public view until 2007, partly sponsored
by John Lennon and Yoko Ono and produced by Allen Klein, The Beatles

Fando and Lis
1967, Directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky
Re discovered in the 90's, México has had, ever since, an affair with
Alejandro Jorodowsky's films, literature and even recent tweets. Fando y
Lis was Jorodowsky's first full lenght film, more a 96 minute performance
art piece that an actual film by the founder of the Panic Movement,
friend, follower and inspiration for the surrealists in the 70's and a
creator himself of the so-called psychomagic.

El Topo
1970, Directed by Alejandro Jorodowsky
Characterized by its bizarre characters and occurrences, use of maimed and
dwarf performers, and heavy doses of Christian symbolism and Eastern
philosophy, the film is about the eponymous character - a violent,
black-clad gunfighter - and his quest for enlightenment.*


The artists: Ivan Edeza, Enrique Jezik, Miguel Rodriguez Sepulveda,
Gabriel Acevedo Velarde, Marcela Armas, Colectivo Marcelaygina, Luis
Felipe Ortega, Yoshua Okon, Nufus Ramirez-Figueroa and Carla Herrera

Naufus Ramirez-Figueroa (Guatemala City, 1978) is an interdisciplinary
artist, working in video, installation, and performance. His work and
research delves into folkloricism, sexuality, magical practices, the
welfare of children in war, the experiences of refugees, and poetry.

Yoshua Okón was born in Mexico City in 1970 where he currently lives. In
1994, he founded La Panadería, an artist-run space in Mexico City.
Chocorrol, his video presented in Love From Hell, explores the
stereotypical roles in Mexican society in a funny, though a bit awkward,
way thru the documentation of the coitus between his hairless, Mexican
xoloitzcuintle dog and a white poodle that was hired to breed with him.

Carla Herrera-Pratts: Through archival research Carla Herrera-Prats' work
comments on the cultural and economic transactions that flow, often
invisibly, in the context of a transnational world. Her projects juxtapose
photography and material from different sources questioning the
documentary value of both images and text. Herrera-Prats works is
co-founder of Camel Collective, a group of artists and activists who work
together since 2005.
Ivan Edeza (Mexico, 1967) is a visual producer, artist, professor and
lecturer. Studied Painting, Sculpture and Engraving, and has a degree in
Aesthetics, Art Theory and Methodology. His work reflects upon violence,
disease and death as portrayed in the media.

Enrique Jezik (Argentina, 1961) He has been living in Mexico since 1999.
Jezik creates video installations, works solidly rooted in sculpture and
the use of objects that he either constructs or finds. The artist travels
extensively, enabling him to extract the necessary material, through the
observation of the sites, for his video installations and sculptural
interventions. Geography as well as politics plays a central role in his

Miguel Rodriguez Sepulveda (Tamaulipas, México, 1971) His main research
line focuses in analyzing the way in which the dynamics of society
transform and his own perception as a dynamic being, also the possible
methods for approaching and observing this processes using scientific
concepts, frequently the Law of Conservation of Energy (energy may neither
be created nor destroyed), to find similarities or parallel concepts in
politics, art and society.

Gabriel Acevedo Velarde was born in Lima, in 1976. He graduated in Fine
Arts from Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, México. Acevedo Velarde
often communicates his social critiques thru his interest in animations,
video installations and performance. One of his video animations,
Paralisis, was already presented in the Eastern Alliance exhibition of 2007.

Marcela Armas. Her work relates urban situations, sound actions,
installations, video and documents in order to investigate about the
capacity of different materials and technologies to produce poetics of
social reflection. Energy consumption and urban space are some of her main
issues. She is artist in residence in the New Media Research Center in
Mexico City.

Colectivo Marcelaygina is an art collective formed in 1997 in Monterrey,
México by the artists Gina Arizpe and Marcela Quiroga. "Marcelaygina's
artistic practice is rooted in the denial as a strategy: challenging the
traditional female role and the question of the academic concept of an
artist. As a collective, Georgina Arizpe and Marcela Quiroga deny the
studio, and the individual, as a space for creation, therefore the public
space becomes the only way out to new works”3. They currently work

Luis Felipe Ortega (México, 1966). Is a philosopher from the UNAM
(Mexico's National Autonomous University) In the year 2001, the Museum
Georges Pompidou acquired for his collection the video Remake (1994) piece
made in collaboration with Daniel Guzmán. “Brutal spaces of introspection”
is a phrase used by Ortega to describe the works presented in this
selection, one of which documents his journey thru the Amazon river, a
journey that lasted several months during which the possibility for
speaking or interacting with other human beings was greatly limited for an
artists that did not speak the language of his boat captain and only


Óscar Benassini (México, 1981) co-edits La Tempestad, a bimonthly
contemporary arts mag based in Mexico City. As the Associated Curator at
Preteen Gallery he has co-curated and produced more than 20 shows both
local and international. He is member of the curatorial board of The Rich
Collection, an art collection interested primarily on contemporary
painting. Also, he writes about contemporary art, magazines and fashion.

Bárbara Perea (México City, 1974). Is an art critic and independent
curator. Among her most important exhibitions are the Mexican Pavillion in
the 52 Venice Biennale (2007) and the artistic direction of Plataforma
Puebla 2006, both with Príamo Lozada. She also writes for magazines such
as ArtLies (Houston) y ArteContexto (Madrid).

Marisol Rodríguez (México City, 1984). Is an independent journalist,
editor of the spanish version of Umelec Magazine, art editor in Frente, a
weekly newspaper in México City, columnist in Replicante Magazine, editor
of observatoriodearte.com and a reporter for several culture media

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Jižní křídlo / South Wing
ORCO, Bubenská 1
Praha 7
Czech Republic
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