[artinfo] Aby Warburg's survivance (INHA Paris 2010/11)

Sári Stenczer stenczer at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 13:29:49 CET 2010

Call for papers

Meaning and Destiny of a Critical Iconology

An international conference

Sabine Forero-Mendoza, laboratoire de recherches LAPRIL/ARTES, Université
de Michel de  Montaigne - Bordeaux 3, Bertrand Prévost, Université de
Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux 3, in collaboration with Anne Lafont,
Institut national d'histoire de l'art (INHA) and Giovanni Careri, Ecole
des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS)

Scientific review committee
Giovanni Careri (EHESS, Paris), Claudia Cieri-Via (Université La Sapienza,
Rome), Michel Espagne (ENS, Paris), Sabine Forero (Université de
Bordeaux 3), Claude Imbert (ENS, Paris), Anne Lafont (INHA, Paris),
François-René Martin (ENSBA Paris), Bertrand Prévost (Université de
Bordeaux), François Quiviger (Warburg Institute, Londres), Carlo
Severi(EHESS - CNRS), Sigrid Weigel (Zentrum für Literatur- und
Kulturforschung, Berlin).

For the last ten years years, Aby Warburg's work experience an obvious new
interest. France is involved in this tendency even if the writings and
intuitions of the Hamburg's Art History expert have been unknown for a
long period of time. This is the reason why until now no major event
has been programmed in France to reevaluate the proposals of the
Iconology" creator. This conference would like to palliate this absence,
looking widely to the multiple faces of a polymorphous work and fixing
the state of the Research on his own accomplishments. If there is a
place to talk about a "Warburg's Survivance", is precisely to outlook
in one gesture, the former originality and the actual fecundity of a
thought including the re-definition of the images, the art history
frame and also the invention of new motifs and figures.
Following the idea of his interpretative method, which supposes a movement
into the time and the space, this conference, held jointly by the
University Michel de Montaigne/Bordeaux3, the Institut National
d'histoire de l'art and the Ecole des hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales, will show up in two different periods as well as in two
different places:
the City of Bordeaux during the fall 2010 and the city of Paris during the
spring 2011. These two encounters will follow the schema:

Aby Warburg's work that aspires to found a new Science of Art crossing
different disciplines (Anthropology, Psychology, Philosophy,
Philology) can be evaluated by itself. The first component of the
conference will deal literally with the writings concentrating on the
study of
the genesis and sources as well as the clarification of notions and theory
subjects not enough analyzed nowadays. " A la lettre": this expression
is not only a simple rhetorical formula, given that the establishment
of the warburgian corpus is not an  accomplished fact. We know that
the published papers are only a small part comparing to the notebook
works that
concretize conceptual constructions and rich inventions.
This first session will offer the opportunity to make an inventory of
publications, translations and comments of the writings. It will be
possible to reconsider the interpretation of " Formulas de pathos"
(Pathosformeln) and of the "Survivance" (Nachleben), only to mention
two of the most remarkable aspects of his work. On the other hand, we
expect to know more about the models so-called energetic and dynamic
that nourished the Warburg's thoughts. The journey to New Mexico and
the Snake rite file, the mental illness and its epistemological
"sublimation", the Mnemosyne-Atlas, on its details and as a whole,
even the Hamburg's KWB
Library, projected as a piece of art. All these matters should be
discussed looking forward to apprehend as close as possible a
definitively plural work.

This second part will try to measure the extraordinary heuristic value
held by Warburg's thinking. What echo do his purposes have beyond his
writings? What about its future and, in a more pragmatic way, how to
use his intuitions? As a matter of fact, the Science of
imagesintroduced by Warburg reaches -no less important- the invention
of new objects and motifs. It is convenient to look to the pieces that
Warburg himself has created (the Greyness, the Nymph...), but,
expanding his way of seeing things, we can also propose other
subjects. In this case, we will apply to Warburg's work the same
treatment he used with images, suggesting hybridizations,
transformations and displacements, cuttings and fixtures. The
relationship between Warburg's thinking and the Cinema is still being
questioned. We can also open a window on the interpretative
perspectives that his method suggests on Photography and Computing.
What about its use in Anthropology and the Studies of nonwestern
cultures? Far from all disciplinary tendencies, we will ask about the
impact of a very
original Interpretation of images and a new approach of the History of

Deadline for proposals (papers abstracts): May 15, 2010

Date and location :
1st component : Nov.18 ? Nov. 19, 2010. Capc/Musée, Bordeaux
2nd component : May12 ? May 13, 2011. INHA, Paris

A scientific review committee will evaluate proposals and will announce
the selected papers in mid- June 2010

Proposals should be a maximum of 300 words long and should include the
- Family name and first name of authors (s)
- Short resume and selected bibliography
- Titles(s), function(s) and home institution(s)
- Contact information (mailing address, telephone number, e-mail)
- Paper title and main arguments

Languages : proposals may be in French or English, communications in
French, English,
German or Italian.

Please send your proposals by email (in a Word attachment) to:
sabineforero at yahoo.fr
bertrand.prevost3 at wanadoo.fr

For further information about the conference, contact:

Sabine Forero
UFR Arts
Université de Bordeaux 3
Domaine Universitaire
F33607 Pessac Cedex
06 28 52 68 56
sabineforero at yahoo.fr

Bertrand Prévost
UFR Arts
Université de Bordeaux 3
Domaine Universitaire
33607 Pessac Cedex
01 53 28 05 49 - 06 37 01 57 27
bertrand.prevost3 at wanadoo.fr

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