[artinfo] Media Art Biennale - call for works

Tímea Jerger timea.jerger at polinst.hu
Tue Dec 7 12:37:50 CET 2010


Call for works

The WRO Media Art Biennale is the leading international forum for new media
art in Poland and Central Europe. Since its inception in 1989, WRO has been
presenting art forms created using new media for artistic expression and
communication, exploring current creative territories and building a
critical perspective toward emerging issues in art and society. 

Over the years, the WRO Biennales have raised a variety of questionsabout
creative approaches to new technologies and the expanding technosphere of
social media - about the creative crossover realms that arise where art and
science, economics and social activism intersect. 

The theme of the 14th WRO Biennale, which starts on May 10th 2011, is
ALTERNATIVE NOW, highlighting the roles of individual artistic stances and
strategies that keep a deliberate distance from the institutionalized
mechanisms and standardized expectations of the art world.

Submissions must be postmarked no later than January 5th, 2011.

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