[artinfo] University of Leuven: Call for Papers and Presentations

Csóka Edina ecsoka at mucsarnok.hu
Fri Oct 30 14:29:24 CET 2009

e-artnow presents: University of Leuven: Call for Papers and PresentationsImaging history, Photography after the fact
University of Leuven, Belgium
KULeuven, Faculty of Arts
Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 bus 3313
3000 Leuven
Phone: 0032 16 325029
Fax:  0032 16 324872
Contact: Bruno Vandermeulen
bruno.vandermeulen at arts.kuleuven.be


Deadline for submissions
31 December 2009

Conference Imaging History,
Photography after the fact:
18/02/2010 in Brussels, Belgium 

We are pleased to announce a call for papers and/or visual presentations for the following forthcoming international conference:

Imaging History - Photography after the fact
18 February 2010, Hogeschool Sint Lukas, Brussels, Belgium

Within the framework of the artistic research project '(in)site, site-specific photography revised, applied to the archaeological site Sagalassos' an international conference is organised, aiming to explore the relationship between photography and history. How do photographers visualize heritage or, broader, history? What is the importance of place, particularly the place that remains after events took place. A related topic, central in the theory of photography and photography itself, is time. This conference also focuses on how photographers depict the past, when time has become 'past time'. The theme Imaging History, photography after the fact offers an opportunity to explore, both on a theoretic and artistic level, how history can be captured.


Original papers are invited to consider subject areas including the following themes:

Imaging history: objective or subjective, factual or critical?
Early photographic explorations to Egypt and Palestina
Photography and archaeology
Photography and place
Photography and time
Photography and memory

Please submit your 300-word abstract (in English), including a title and full contact details (see below) as an electronic file to bruno.vandermeulen at arts.kuleuven.be as soon as possible but no later than 31 December 2009.

For further details on the conference at a later stage please visit www.insitephotography.be


Papers or presentations are expected to make an original contribution to the field of history and photography. People who are interested in presenting a paper should send an abstract for refereeing. Paper proposals will be selected by the partners of the artistic research project and the scientific committee to cover different areas, methods, approaches and positions.

Abstracts should be maximum 300 words. Each entry should incorporate the following information:

Author's(s') full name(s), (+gender (M/F), in brackets)
Address for correspondence
Theme of the paper/presentation
Title of the paper/presentation
Abstract of the paper/presentation

Abstracts and later paper submissions should be sent by e-mail as a Microsoft Word or RTF document, double-spaced on A4. Preferred typeface is 12pt Times new Roman.

The official language of the conference is English.

Publication opportunity: A selection of papers accepted for the conference will be published as a separate volume of the Lieven Gevaert Series, University Press Leuven (www.lievengevaertcentre.be)

The partners of the project are: University of Leuven, Faculty of Arts; Hogeschool Sint-Lukas; Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project; Lieven Gevaert Research Centre for Photography and Visual Studies; FotoMuseum Provincie Antwerpen, City of Leuven and IvOK, Institute for Practice-based Research in the Arts .

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