[artinfo] Latest version of the Piracy Manifesto

MILTOS MANETAS m at manetas.com
Thu Oct 1 23:17:44 CEST 2009

Piracy Manifesto, Latest version (English, Italian, Sept 09)
The manifesto can be found here: http://piracymanifesto.com
It will be read and discussed in  Berlin on Saturday Oct 3 
(17-18.30pm , Raum K 24/21) during the  "Make Capitalism History" 
Kongress (2.-4. Oktober, more info http://make-capitalism-history.de) 
Help to translate the Manifesto in German and other languages is 
appreciate. Send email at Piracy at PiracyManifesto.com


Pirates of the Internet Unite!

"A man was stopped yesterday at the boarder of Italy and France, his
computer was scanned and pirated material was found, mostly Adobe
software and songs by Beatles. The man was arrested at the spot"

>From a poem to a drug, from an piece of software to a music record and
from a film to a book, everything that's famous and profitable, owns
much of its economic value to the manipulation of the Multitudes.
People haven't asked to know what the Coca Cola logo looks like,
neither have they asked for the melody of "Like a Virgin". Education,
Media and Propaganda teach it the hard way; by either hammer it our
brains or by speculating over our thirst, our hunger, our need for
communication and fun and most of all our loneliness and despair. In
the days of Internet, what can be copied can be also shared. When it
comes to content, we can give everything with everyone at once. Around
this realisation, a new social class is awaking.

This is not a working class but a class of Producers. Producers are
pirates and hackers by default, they recycle the images, the sounds
and the concepts of the World. Some of it they invent but most they
borrow from others. Because information occupies a physical part of
our bodies, because it is literary "installed" in our brain and can't
be erased at wish, people have the right to own what is projected on
them. They have the right to own themselves. Because this is a global
World based on inequality and profit, because the contents of a song,
a movie and a book are points of advantage in a vicious fight for
survival, any global citizen has the moral right to appropriate a
digital copy of a song, a movie or a book. Because software is an
international language, the secrets of the World are written in Adobe
and Microsoft: We should try hack them. Finally, because poverty is
the field of experimentation for all global medicine, no patents should apply.

Today every man with a computer is a Producer and a Pirate. We all
live in the Internet; this is our new country, the only territory that
makes sense to defend and protect . The land of the Internet is one of
information. Men should be able to use this land freely, corporations
should pay for use - a company is definitely not a person. The
Internet is now producing "internets", situations that exist not only
online but also in real space, governed and influenced by what is
happening online. This is the time for the foundation of an global
Movement of Piracy. The freedom of infringing copyright, the freedom
of sharing information and drugs, are our new Commons, they are Global
Rights and as such, Authorities will not be allow them without a
battle. But that will be a strange battle as its the first time the
multitudes is disrespecting the Law instinctively and on a global scale.

Today, an army of teenagers is copying. Adults are copying, senior
citizens are copying, everyone with a computer is copying something.
Like a novel Goddess Athena, Information wants to break free from
Technology, so it assists us on our enterprise.

Pirates of the Internet Unite!

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