[artinfo] Harun Farocki_filmek / screening

Nikolett Eross nikol at trafo.hu
Sun Mar 15 17:18:52 CET 2009

english follows

H a r u n   F a r o c k i: Negy film

Marcius 17. es 18., 18h / KINO nagyterem
Budapest, 1136, Szent Istvan krt. 16

Harun Farocki nemet dokumentum- es kiserleti filmes alkoto, iro. Munkaiban
a kepek mogotti lathatatlan, de feltarhato mas kepeket, szandekokat,
hatalmi viszonyokat, a kepolvasas es a filmnezes politikai es tarsadalmi
beagyazottsagat vizsgalja. Jellemzoen archiv anyagokkal, talalt vagy
ujra-fellelt filmekkel dolgozik, filmesszeket ir a vagoasztalon,
amelyekben a metaforikusan vagy leplezetlen didaxissal szerkesztett kepek
egymast ertelmezik.
A filmeket Bert Rebhandl filmkritikus vezeti be.
A bevezetok es a vetitesek angol nyelvuek.

Marcius 17,. kedd, 18h
Respite / Aufschub
2007, 40min

Marcius 17,. kedd, 19h
Prison Images / Gefängnisbilder
2000, 60 min


Marcius 18., szerda, 18h
Ket haboru kozt
Between two Wars / Zwischen zwei Kriegen
1978, 83min

Marcius 18., szerda, 18h
A latas utja
As you see / Wie man sieht
1986, 72min

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Harun Farocki negy filmjenek bemutatoja a Trafo Galeria
„Vakuumzaj” cimu kiallitasahoz kapcsolodik, ahol „A
munkasok elhagyjak a gyarat” cimu munkaja lathato.

Filmenkent: 600 Ft
Egy nap – ket film: 1000 Ft
Ket nap negy film: 1800 Ft


Harun Farocki: Four films

17 and 18 March, 6pm
Cinema KINO: Budapest, 1136, Szent Istvan krt. 16.

Harun Farocki is a German documentum- and experimental filmmaker writer
and theorist. His works reveal the invisible images, intentions and power
relations behind the pictures, as well as the social and political
connotations of  image-reading and film viewing. He frequently uses
archive materials, found (and re-found) footages, writes film essays on
the editing-table, in which the metaphorically or didactically constructed
image-relations mutually interpret each-other.
The films will be introduced by Bert Rebhandl, film theoretician, Berlin.
All films screened with English subtitles.

Thuesday, 17 March, 6pm
Respite / Aufschub
2007, 40min

Prison Images / Gefängnisbilder
2000, 60 min

Wednesday, 18 March, 6pm
Between two Wars / Zwischen zwei Kriegen
1978, 83min

As you see  / Wie man sieht
1986, 72min

The event accompanies the exhibition VacuumNoise on view in Trafo Gallery
till the 29th March.

One film: 600 HUF
One day – two films: 1000 HUF
Two days – four films: 1800 HUF

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