[artinfo] call for proposals for DISH 2009
Marleen van Dam
Marleen at promusewehman.nl
Mon Jun 1 22:30:21 CEST 2009
Because of the request of several candidates the CALL FOR PROPOSAL
can be delivered till June 15th
Probably you have received this Call for proposals already. We would
like to inform you that there is still the opportunity to contribute
at the International conference DISH2009!! Please read the following
What is DISH2009?
Digital Strategies for Heritage (DISH) is a new bi-annual
international conference on digital heritage and the opportunities it
offers to cultural organisations. Triggered by changes in society,
heritage organisations face many challenges and need to make
strategic decisions about their services. DISH2009 aims at sharing
knowledge about and experiences with digital strategies. What roles
do cultural heritage institutions have in a networked society?
What is the impact of digitisation on these organisations? Why are
certain digital services more successful than others? Which business
models are suited to the cultural heritage sector? Why would
archives, museums and libraries co-operate? These are some of the
questions that will be addressed in keynotes, presentations, debates
and workshops.
Who benefits from DISH2009?
The conference will be for all staff of cultural heritage
institutions that are responsible for policy issues and/or management
of digital collections and services. The conference will enable
participants to learn more about strategic decisions on all aspects
of digital heritage services.
How can you contribute?
The Programme Committee seeks contributions from professionals in
archives, museums, libraries and other heritage institutions and from
researchers or innovators outside the heritage field. The
contribution can be a paper presentation (max. 25 minutes) or a
workshop (either 2 hours or half day).
The paper or workshop should address one of the following main
conference topics:
Strategies for innovation:
* Digital heritage in mash-ups
* Enhanced interoperability
* Access to cultural heritage through visualisation (3d, gaming etc.)
* From secured playgrounds into the open web
* Open everything (standards, source, ID etc.)
* Services and tools: always in a beta stage?
Strategies for collaboration
* Opportunities for on line collaboration
* The value of interdisciplinary co-operation (culture, science and business)
* The relevance of national and regional portals
* User involvement
* The role of the creative industries
Strategies for the unwired future
* Heritage on mobile devices
* Culture on the map / Geoweb
* Locative media
* Interfacing for crossmedia
Business strategies
* New roles versus old roles
* Understanding use patterns
* Changing perspectives on collections
* Hybrid business models
* Achieving sustainability and permanent access
* From crowd sourcing to crowd funding
* Cost reduction through shared services
* Restrictions and opportunities through IPR
Management strategies
* Creating favorable conditions for innovation
* The impact of the digital front office on the back office
* Managing your digital assets
* Measuring your digital collections
* Investing in staff competencies
If you would like to contribute to the conference, please submit a
proposal, which consists of an abstract (max. 400 words in English)
and a short bio, before 15th June 2009. We welcome any contributions
that are based on research or experience and that "look beyond the
hypes". The abstract should address how heritage institutions have
responded or should respond to changes triggered by ICT. Further
instructions are available on the online
Conference Proposal Submission Form at www.dish2009.nl.
Who is organising DISH2009?
DISH2009 builds on a series of successful national conferences on
digital heritage in the Netherlands (2004-2008). The main organisers
of the conference are the Netherlands Institute for Heritage and the
DEN foundation. The Programme Committee consists of representatives
from Europeana, the Association of European Research Libraries LIBER,
Flemish interface centre for cultural heritage FARO, Virtueel
Platform Netherlands Sector Institute for e-culture) and the
EU-project PrestoPrime. A group of experts across the globe advices
the Programme Committee. See www.dish2009.nl for more information.
Please contact:
Marco de Niet
The DEN Foundation
P.O. Box 90407
2509 LK The Hague
The Netherlands
+31 70 3140 343
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