Chinese Characters chinesecharacters at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 09:36:36 CET 2009


A Chinese Characters Kortars Muter ezuton invital Kulcsar Kinga
filmjet és installacioit bemutato Gepmadarak cimu kiallitasara.
A megnyito 2009. januar 27-en, kedden este 7 oratol kezdodik, Josvai
Peter filmkritikus megnyitobeszedevel.
A kiallitas 2009. februar 14-ig tekintheto meg a galeria nyitvatartasi idejeben.

Chinese Characters Kortars Muter
1073 Bp., Kertesz u. 4. - www.chinesecharacters.hu
chinesecharacters at gmail.com - 0630 3560308
nyitva: sze-cs: 16.00-20.00 p: 16:00-22:00 szo: megbeszeles alapjan

Chinese Characters Contemporary Art Space would like to invite you to
its next exhibition, Thunderbird
presenting a film&installations by Kulcsár Kinga.
The opening starts at 7 pm Tuesday 27 January 2009 with the speech of
Josvai Péter film critic.
The exhibition is on show till 14 February 2009.

Chinese Characters Contemporary Art Space
1073 Bp., Kertész u. 4. - www.chinesecharacters.hu
chinesecharacters at gmail.com - 0630 3560308
open: wed-thu:16.00-20.00 fri: 16:00-22:00 sat: by request
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