[artinfo] tranzit.hu info_felhivas_kiallitasok lathatatlan tortenete_nemzetkozi szimpozium

tranzit.hu office office at tranzitinfo.hu
Mon Feb 16 08:57:32 CET 2009

(Invisible History of Exhibitions) nemzetkozi szimpozium

2009. majus 21-22, Budapest
tranzit.hu - artalways.org projekt


A tranzit.hu "A kiallitasok lathatatlan tortenete" cimmel szimpoziumot
szervez, melynek celja, hogy hozzajaruljon az utobbi 50 ev
kelet-europai kiallitastortenetenek egy kozos tudasalapra es
diskurzusra epulo feldolgozasahoz. A szimpozium az "Art always has its
consequences" cimu, hosszu tavu nemzetkozi egyuttmukodes kereteben jon
letre, mely olyan, tobbnyire figyelmen kivul hagyott mufajokat es
tevekenysegeket vizsgal, mint a muveszszoveg vagy a konceptualis
design, azzal a szandekkal, hogy az utobbi evtizedek kelet-europai
muveszettortenetet uj szempontok bevonasaval gondoljuk ujra es
helyezzuk el a nemzetkozi kortars muveszeti diskurzus kontextusaban.

A kiallitast a muveszi es kuratori munka mediumakent ertelmezzuk, igy a
kiallitastortenet a muveszettortenettel parhuzamos narrativat hoz letre,
melynek fordulopontjai nem feltetlen egyeznek a
muveszettortenetevel. AZ 1945 es 1989 kozotti kelet-europai
progressziv kezdemenyezesek ugyanakkor nehezen illeszthetok be a
kiallitastortenet mar kialakult nemzetkozi szakirodalmaba, mivel
gyakran mas megkozelitest igenyelnek, mint a "nyugati" peldak.
Magyarorszagon peldaul a fordulopontot jelento muveszeti esemenyek
jellemzoen a masodik nyilvanossagban, a parhuzamos kulturaban,
maganlakasokban, klubhelysegekben tortentek, igy intezmenyi hatteruk es
dokumentaciojuk nem osszemerheto a nyugat-europai es eszak-amerikai
nagyszabasu kuratori kiallitasokkal, biennalekkal.

A szimpozium torteneti és kortars esettanulmanyokat mutat be, olyan
paradigmatikus jelentosegu muveszeti esemenyeket, melyek
ujraertelmeztek a kiallitas fogalmat. Az esettanulmanyokat a
nemzetkozi elmeleti és kuratori diskurzus kovetkező temaival
szeretnenk osszefuggesbe hozni:

*  a kiallitas terbeli es idobeli termeszetenek elmeleti megkozelitesei
*  a rekonstrukcio es dokumentacio modszertana
*  a helyszin szerepe a hely-specifikussagtol az intezmenykritikaig
*  a szerzoseg kerdese, kurator-, muvesz-, befogado-szerepek
*  a kiallitas torteneti, ideologiai, es politikai meghatarozottsaga a
nyilvanossag strukturalis valtozasaival osszefuggesben
*  a kelet-europaisag kollektiv fogalmanak es reprezentaciojanak dilemmai

A szimpoziummal egyidejuleg egy on-line angol nyelvu
kiallitas-adatbazist hozunk letre. Az adatbazis elso tetelei a
szimpozium eloadoinak referenciai lesznek, majd felkert szakemberek es
onkentes hozzajarulok ajanlasaival bovul. A szimpozium nyelve angol. A
meghivott szakemberek mellett, az alabbi felhivasra jelentkezokbol
valasztjuk ki az eloadokat. Az eloadasokat az www.artalways.org-on


Ha reszt szeretne venni a szimpoziumon egy 30-40 perces eloadassal,
kuldjon egy 200 szavas angol nyelvu absztraktot. A jelentkezeseket 2009.
MARCIUS 15-ig az office at tranzitinfo.hu email-cimre varjuk.

Hegyi Dora, Laszlo Zsuzsa, Suvecz Emese - szervezok

http://www.artalways.org              http://www.tranzit.org

Az Europai Unio Kultura 2007 Programja tamogatasaval.
A tranzit kortars muveszeti kezdemenyezest az Erste Bank Csoport tamogatja.


21-22 May 2009, Budapest
tranzit.hu - artalways.org project


"Invisible History of Exhibitions", a symposium organized by
tranzit.hu (HU) aims at the formation of shared knowledge and
discourse on Eastern European art exhibitions from the 1960s until now.
The framework of this project is a long-term international
collaboration, "art always has its consequences", that focuses on
invisible, alternative histories through exhibition history, artists'
texts, archives, and conceptual design, which have had restricted
international visibility and accessibility so far and thus are often
missing from the canonized narratives of contemporary art.

The symposium investigates the history and the current interpretations of
the exhibition, as the dominant format of contemporary art
production and presentation. "History" in this context is interpreted as a
group of constructed narratives based on events that constitute shifts in
the notions of art (art history) and the modes of its
presentation (exhibition history). In Eastern Europe progressive art
events between 1945 and 1989 could often only happen in the "second
publicity", so they are embedded in the historical conditions of the
public sphere. While in western countries mainstream art institution
hosted curatorial group exhibitions that constitute the landmarks in the
history of exhibitions, in Eastern Europe paradigmatic events
often happened in private flats and off-site spaces outside of
official art institutions. Consequently, a different methodology must be
introduced to be able to include Eastern-European events in the
international discourse of exhibition history.
The symposium presents historical and contemporary case studies
describing paradigmatic art events that significantly affected our
understanding of exhibitions. Examples of Eastern-European art
practices are suggested to be related to such topics of the
international theoretical and curatorial discourse as:

* the spatial and temporal nature of the exhibition
* the ephemeral qualities and methodologies of reconstruction and
* the role of the location from site-specificity to institutional critique
* authorship and artistic-, curatorial-, visitor positions
* exhibition as a historical, ideological, or political construction in
relation to the transformations of the public sphere
* the collective/unifying concept and representation of Eastern-European art

Together with the symposium we intend to launch an Eastern-European online
database of exhibitions. The first items in the database will be the
references of the speakers at the conference and in the future the archive
will grow by the submissions of other invited and
voluntary contributors.
The language of the symposium is English. Speakers are invited by the
organizers and selected from the applications submitted to call below. The
papers of the symposium will be published on www.artalways.org.


If you are interested in participating in the symposium with a paper
please submit a 200 word abstract.
Please send your proposal to office at tranzitinfo.hu until 15 MARCH 2009.

concept: Dora Hegyi, Zsuzsa Laszlo, Emese Suvecz

http://www.artalways.org        http://www.tranzit.org

Supported by the EU's Culture 2007 Program.
tranzit is a contemporary art initiative supported by Erste Bank Group

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