[artinfo] Izložba u Galeriji Karas_Exhibition ih Karas Gallery

INFO / HDLU info at hdlu.hr
Fri Feb 13 12:01:36 CET 2009



Pozivamo Vas na otvorenje izložbe u galeriji Karas, Praška 4, Zagreb
Exhibition in the Karas Gallery, Praška 4, Zagreb, Croatia





U srijedu 18. 2. 2009. u 20.00
Opening on Wednesday, February 18th 2009., at 8 pm.


Izložba ostaje otvorena do 22. 2. 2009.
Exhibition stays open until 22nd February 2009.


Sredinom prošloga stoljeća vrijedila je tvrdnja Guya Deborda kako se čitav
život pokazuje kao neizmjerna akumulacija spektakla. Sve što se izravno
događalo premještalo se u reprezentaciju, tvrdio je Debord u glasovitom
djelu <Društvo spektakla>. No, mi danas živimo u  trećem stadiju simulakra,
u stadiju, kako tvrdi Baudrillard, potpune simulacije, simulacije koja
zamjenjuje reprezentaciju.

Danas, zahvaljujući medijskom posredovanju zbilje, vrijeme koje je bilo
potrebno od događaja do njegove spektakularne reprezentacije je nestalo.
Zaista, spektakl se događa ovdje i sada, live, unutar naših života. .. Više
o izložbi možete naći na http://www.hdlu.hr/2009/02/goran-skofic-corpus/ 




Around the middle of the past century a claim by Guy Debord was valid: all
life is revealed as an incommensurable accumulation of  spectacle.
Everything that was directly happening was transposed into representation,
claimed Debord in his book "Society of the Spectacle". However, today we
live in the third stage of simulacrum, as argued by Baudrillard, the stage
of complete simulation which replaces representation. Presently, thanks to
media-mediated reality, the time needed to elapse from an actual event to
its spectacular representation has disappeared. Truly,  the spectacle is
happening here and now, live, within our lives. 

.. More about exhibition



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