[artinfo] Kamen Stoyanov: Felejtsd el, ezt nem engedhetjuk meg magunknak , Studio Galeria 2008. november 18. (kedd) 19.00

tijana stepanovic tijana.stepanovic at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 12:58:59 CET 2008


Kamen Stoyanov:
Felejtsd el,
nem engedhetjuk meg magunknak

Megnyito: 2008. november 18. (kedd), 19.00
Megtekintheto: Studio Galeria (1077, Rottenbiller u. 35), 2008. november 19
– december 12.
Kurator: Stepanovic Tijana

Az idei Manifestan –  Europa egyik legjelentosebb nemzetkozi kepzomuveszeti
biennalejan – harom munkaval is szereplo Kamen Stoyanov erdeklodesenek
kozeppontjaban a gazdasag es muveszet osszefuggesei es a muveszeti elet
dinamikaja allnak. Tarsadalmi kerdesekre fogekony alkotoi attitudje
kifinomult problemaerzekenyseggel, eros kritikai igennyel es markans
konceptualis gondolkodasmoddal parosul, igy nem csoda, hogy a muvesz fiatal
kora ellenere maris a nemzetkozi kepzomuveszeti szcena figyelmenek
homlokterebe kerult.

A bolgar szarmazasu, Becsben elo muvesz budapesti kiallitasan harom uj,
kifejezetten a helyi muveszeti piac mukodesere reagalo alkotast mutat be. A
Studio Galeriaban kiallitott munkak a budapesti muveszeti elet kulonbozo –
aktiv avagy passziv – szereploinek pozicioit es kapcsolatat vizsgaljak. A
muvesz inkabb kezdemenyezokent, a folyamatok facilitalojakent lep fel a
projektekben, semmint alkotokent.

A Melyiket vegyem? cimu videomunka a gyujtok es galeristak kozott zajlo
mutargy eladasi folyamatot modellezi. A kiserlet soran ket galerista – Kozak
Gabor es Valko Margit – verseng azert, hogy a gyujtok – Somloi Zsolt és
Spengler Katalin –  az altaluk felkinalt mualkotast vasaroljak meg. A
szereplok azonban inkognitoban maradnak egymas elott es a gyujtok nem
lathatjak a vasarlasra kinalt muveket sem. Chaten kommunikalnak, kizarolag
verbalis kommunikaciot alkalmazva a vizualis jelensegekrol folytatott
parbeszed soran. A gyujtok puhatolozo kerdesei es a galeristak altal
alkalmazott strategiak sokat elarulnak a muveszeti piacot meghatarozo
elvekrol, mikozben azt is lathatjuk, hogyan fordithato – vagy nem fordithato
– at a vizualitas nyelvi strukturakba. A kiallitason a ket alkufolyamatot es
a talalkozast / leleplezest dokumentalo video, valamint a chat beszelgetesek
szoveget reprezentalo „foto" kerul bemutatasra.

A  Felejtsd el, nem engedhetjuk meg magunknak cimu neonmunkat egy – kulfoldi
mugyujto hazaspar kozott folyo – beszelgetes veletlenul elcsipett foszlanya
ihlette. Amellett, hogy a mondat egyszerre jellemzi a (magyar) mutargypiacot
es a globalis gazdasagi helyzetet, erosen onreflexiv felhangot is kap
azaltal, hogy eppen a Studio Galeria falara fuggesztve olvashatja azt a
latogato. Stoyanov eladasra kinalja muvet, a befolyo osszeget pedig a Fiatal
Kepzomuveszek Studioja altal mukodtetett Labor megmentesere kivanja
forditani. Gesztusaval azt demonstralja, megengedhetetlennek tartja, hogy a
magyar szcena ne engedhesse meg maganak ennek a muveszeti helyszinnek a

 A Jojjon el es vigye projekt a kortars kepzomuveszet vonzerejet vizsgalja,
ironikusan reflektalva az elerni kivant – szelesebb –  kozonseg kozonyere.
Az ironia azonban nem – vagy nem kizarolag – az utca muveszetben kevesse
jartas emberenek, sokkal inkább a muveszeti elet szereploinek szol.
Stoyanov 500 szorolapot osztott szet Budapest egyik nagy bevasarlokozpontja
mellett. A szorolapot a megnyiton felmutato elso harom latogato a Jojjon el
es vigye korlatozott peldanyszamu videomunka egy-egy darabjat kapja
ajandekba. De vajon sikeres lesz-e a jol bejaratott reklamfogas a muveszeti
kontextusban is, sikerul-e uj latogatokat vonzani a kiallitasra?

A muvesz, a kurator es a Fiatal Kepzomuveszek Studioja szeretettel var
minden erdeklodot a kiallitas megnyitojara.


Studio Galeria
H-1077 Budapest,Rottenbiller u. 35.
tel/fax: +36 1 342 53 80
studio.c3.hu | studio at c3.hu
Nyitva tartas: keddtol pentekig 16.00-20.00, szombaton 12.00-16.00

Kamen Stoyanov a stuttgarti Akademie Schloss Solitude, a Jozsef Attila Kor
és az ACAX | Nemzetkozi Kortars Kepzomuveszeti Iroda egyuttmukodeseben
megvalosulo Opening the Closed Shops nemzetkozi muteremprogram budapesti
vendege. Az Opening the Closed Shops programot tamogatja: Allianz

Az ACAX | Nemzetkozi Kortars Kepzomuveszeti Iroda a Ludwig Múzeum–Kortars
Muveszeti Muzeum szervezeti kereteben mukodik. | www.acax.hu |

Az Opening the Closed Shops  program partnerei:
Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart | www.akademie-solitude.de
CCA (Center for Contemporary Art) Ujazdowski Zamek, Varsó | www.csw.art.pl
InterSpace Media Art Center, Szofia | www.i-space.org
József Attila Kör, Budapest | www.jozsefattilakor.hu
new media , Novi Sad | www.kuda.org

ACAX | Nemzetkozi Kortars Kepzomuveszeti Iroda, Akademie Schloss Solitude,
Allianz Stiftung, Fiatal Kepzomuveszek Studioja Egyesulet, Fovarosi
Kozgyules Kulturalis Bizottsaga, Hungart, Ludwig Muzeum–Kortars Muveszeti
Muzeum, Nemzeti Kulturalis Alap

Kamen Stoyanov:
Forget It,
We Can Not Afford This

Vernissage: 18 November 2008. (Tuesday) 19.00
On view: Studio Gallery (1077, Rottenbiller u. 35), 19 November - 12
December 2008.
Curator: Stepanovic Tijana

Having already presented three works at this year's Manifesta - one of
Europe's most significant art biennials -, Kamen Stoyanov often deals with
the relationship of art and economy and the dynamics of art world. Sensitive
to social issues, his creative attitude is coupled with a refined sense of
the problematic, with a strong claim for critical thinking and a markedly
conceptual mindset. No wonder thus that despite his young age, the artist is
already in the limelight of the international art world.

The Bulgarian artist living in Vienna comes out with three new pieces for
his Budapest exhibition, reflecting specifically on the local art market.
The works on show in Studio Gallery explore the positions and relationships
of various - active or passive - actors of Budapest's art scene. The artist
appears in the project as more of an initiator or facilitator than a

The video work Which one should I buy? models the process that takes place
between collectors and gallerists when a work of art is purchased.
Throughout the experiment two gallerists, Gábor Kozák and Margit Valkó,
compete against each other in making the collectors, Zsolt Somlói and
Katalin Spengler, buy the piece offered by them. The participants, however,
remain incognito to one another, and even the artworks up for sale remain
unseen by the collectors. Communication is conducted through chat, using
only written verbal communication in a dialogue about visual phenomena. The
collectors' prying questions and the strategies used by the gallerists tell
a lot about the principles governing the art market. Meanwhile, visuality is
successfully - or unsuccessfully - translated into linguistic structures
before our eyes. The exhibition presents a video documenting the two
bargainings and the encounter/exposure, as well as a "photograph"
representing the text of the chat talks.

The neon piece Forget it, we can not afford this was inspired by an
accidentally overheard fragment of a conversation between a married
collector couple from abroad. Besides being characteristic of the
(Hungarian) art market and the global economic situation, the sentence
receives a highly self-reflexive undertone by being hung on the wall of
Studio Gallery of all places. Stoyanov offers this work for sale, to invest
the returns in saving Labor, a small gallery run by the Studio of Young
Artists. By this gesture he wishes to demonstrate that he considers it
unacceptable that the Hungarian art scene can not afford to maintain this

The Come and take project explores the attractiveness of contemporary art,
reflecting ironically on the indifferent attitude of the - wider - public.
The irony, however, is aimed not as much at the man of the street who is
less adept at art, as at the actors of the art scene.
Stoyanov handed out 500 flyers around one of the major shopping centres in
Budapest. The first three visitors to show up at the vernissage with the
flyer will get a free copy of the limited edition video work Come and take.
But will the time proven advertising trick succeed in the context of art?
Will it lure new visitors to the exhibition?

The artist, the curator and the Studio of Young Artists cordially invites
all those interested to the opening of the exhibition.

Studio Gallery
H-1077 Budapest, Rottenbiller u. 35.
tel/fax: +36 1 342 53 80
studio.c3.hu | studio at c3.hu
Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday 16.00-20.00, Saturday 12.00-16.00

Kamen Stoyanov is a guest artist in Budapest of the Opening the Closed Shops
international studio residency program realised in the cooperation of
Akademie Schloss Solitude, József Attila Circle and ACAX | Agency for
Contemporary Art Exchange.

ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange operates within the
organisational framework of Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art.
www.acax.hu | www.ludwigmuseum.hu

Opening the Closed Shops programme partners:
Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart  |  www.akademie-solitude.de
CCA (Center for Contemporary Art) Ujazdowski Zamek, Warsawa | www.csw.art.pl
József Attila Circle, Budapest | www.jozsefattilakor.hu
new media , Novi Sad | www.kuda.org
InterSpace Media Art Center, Sofia | www.i-space.org

ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange, Akademie Schloss Solitude,
Allianz Stiftung, Studio of Young Artists Association, Cultural Committee of
the Budapest City Council, Hungart, Ludwig Museum–Museum of Contemporary
Art, National Cultural Fund
-------------- next part --------------

Kamen Stoyanov:
Felejtsd el, 
nem engedhetjuk meg magunknak

Megnyito: 	2008. november 18. (kedd), 19.00
Megtekintheto: 	Studio Galeria (1077, Rottenbiller u. 35)
  			2008. november 19 – december 12. 
Kurator:  	Stepanovic Tijana
Az idei Manifestan –  Europa egyik legjelentosebb nemzetkozi kepzomuveszeti biennalejan – harom munkaval is szereplo Kamen Stoyanov erdeklodesenek kozeppontjaban a gazdasag es muveszet osszefuggesei es a muveszeti elet dinamikaja allnak. Tarsadalmi kerdesekre fogekony alkotoi attitudje kifinomult problemaerzekenyseggel, eros kritikai igennyel es markans konceptualis gondolkodasmoddal parosul, igy nem csoda, hogy a muvesz fiatal kora ellenere maris a nemzetkozi kepzomuveszeti szcena figyelmenek homlokterebe kerult. 

A bolgar szarmazasu, Becsben elo muvesz budapesti kiallitasan harom uj, kifejezetten a helyi muveszeti piac mukodesere reagalo alkotast mutat be. A Studio Galeriaban kiallitott munkak a budapesti muveszeti elet kulonbozo – aktiv avagy passziv – szereploinek pozicioit es kapcsolatat vizsgaljak. A muvesz inkabb kezdemenyezokent, a folyamatok facilitalojakent lep fel a projektekben, semmint alkotokent. 

A Melyiket vegyem? cimu videomunka a gyujtok es galeristak kozott zajlo mutargy eladasi folyamatot modellezi. A kiserlet soran ket galerista – Kozak Gabor es Valko Margit – verseng azert, hogy a gyujtok – Somloi Zsolt és Spengler Katalin –  az altaluk felkinalt mualkotast vasaroljak meg. A szereplok azonban inkognitoban maradnak egymas elott es a gyujtok nem lathatjak a vasarlasra kinalt muveket sem. Chaten kommunikalnak, kizarolag verbalis kommunikaciot alkalmazva a vizualis jelensegekrol folytatott parbeszed soran. A gyujtok puhatolozo kerdesei es a galeristak altal alkalmazott strategiak sokat elarulnak a muveszeti piacot meghatarozo elvekrol, mikozben azt is lathatjuk, hogyan fordithato – vagy nem fordithato – at a vizualitas nyelvi strukturakba. A kiallitason a ket alkufolyamatot es a talalkozast / leleplezest dokumentalo video, valamint a chat beszelgetesek szoveget reprezentalo „foto” kerul bemutatasra.

A  Felejtsd el, nem engedhetjuk meg magunknak cimu neonmunkat egy – kulfoldi mugyujto hazaspar kozott folyo – beszelgetes veletlenul elcsipett foszlanya ihlette. Amellett, hogy a mondat egyszerre jellemzi a (magyar) mutargypiacot es a globalis gazdasagi helyzetet, erosen onreflexiv felhangot is kap azaltal, hogy eppen a Studio Galeria falara fuggesztve olvashatja azt a latogato. Stoyanov eladasra kinalja muvet, a befolyo osszeget pedig a Fiatal Kepzomuveszek Studioja altal mukodtetett Labor megmentesere kivanja forditani. Gesztusaval azt demonstralja, megengedhetetlennek tartja, hogy a magyar szcena ne engedhesse meg maganak ennek a muveszeti helyszinnek a fenntartasat.

 A Jojjon el es vigye projekt a kortars kepzomuveszet vonzerejet vizsgalja, ironikusan reflektalva az elerni kivant – szelesebb –  kozonseg kozonyere. Az ironia azonban nem – vagy nem kizarolag – az utca muveszetben kevesse jartas emberenek, sokkal inkább a muveszeti elet szereploinek szol. 
Stoyanov 500 szorolapot osztott szet Budapest egyik nagy bevasarlokozpontja mellett. A szorolapot a megnyiton felmutato elso harom latogato a Jojjon el es vigye korlatozott peldanyszamu videomunka egy-egy darabjat kapja ajandekba. De vajon sikeres lesz-e a jol bejaratott reklamfogas a muveszeti kontextusban is, sikerul-e uj latogatokat vonzani a kiallitasra? 

A muvesz, a kurator es a Fiatal Kepzomuveszek Studioja szeretettel var minden erdeklodot a kiallitas megnyitojara. 


Studio Galeria
H-1077 Budapest,Rottenbiller u. 35. 
tel/fax: +36 1 342 53 80  
studio.c3.hu | studio at c3.hu 
Nyitva tartas: keddtol pentekig 16.00-20.00, szombaton 12.00-16.00

Kamen Stoyanov a stuttgarti Akademie Schloss Solitude, a Jozsef Attila Kor és az ACAX | Nemzetkozi Kortars Kepzomuveszeti Iroda egyuttmukodeseben megvalosulo Opening the Closed Shops nemzetkozi muteremprogram budapesti vendege. Az Opening the Closed Shops programot tamogatja: Allianz Kulturstiftung 

Az ACAX | Nemzetkozi Kortars Kepzomuveszeti Iroda a Ludwig Múzeum–Kortars Muveszeti Muzeum szervezeti kereteben mukodik. | www.acax.hu | www.ludwigmuseum.hu

Az Opening the Closed Shops  program partnerei:
Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart | www.akademie-solitude.de
CCA (Center for Contemporary Art) Ujazdowski Zamek, Varsó | www.csw.art.pl 
InterSpace Media Art Center, Szofia | www.i-space.org
József Attila Kör, Budapest | www.jozsefattilakor.hu
new media , Novi Sad | www.kuda.org

ACAX | Nemzetkozi Kortars Kepzomuveszeti Iroda, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Allianz Stiftung, Fiatal Kepzomuveszek Studioja Egyesulet, Fovarosi Kozgyules Kulturalis Bizottsaga, Hungart, Ludwig Muzeum–Kortars Muveszeti Muzeum, Nemzeti Kulturalis Alap

Kamen Stoyanov:
Forget It,
We Can Not Afford This

Vernissage:	18 November 2008. (Tuesday) 19.00
On view: 	Studio Gallery (1077, Rottenbiller u. 35)
 	    		19 November - 12 December 2008. 
Curator: 		Stepanovic Tijana


Having already presented three works at this year's Manifesta - one of Europe's most significant art biennials -, Kamen Stoyanov often deals with the relationship of art and economy and the dynamics of art world. Sensitive to social issues, his creative attitude is coupled with a refined sense of the problematic, with a strong claim for critical thinking and a markedly conceptual mindset. No wonder thus that despite his young age, the artist is already in the limelight of the international art world.

The Bulgarian artist living in Vienna comes out with three new pieces for his Budapest exhibition, reflecting specifically on the local art market. The works on show in Studio Gallery explore the positions and relationships of various - active or passive - actors of Budapest's art scene. The artist appears in the project as more of an initiator or facilitator than a creator. 

The video work Which one should I buy? models the process that takes place between collectors and gallerists when a work of art is purchased. Throughout the experiment two gallerists, Gábor Kozák and Margit Valkó, compete against each other in making the collectors, Zsolt Somlói and Katalin Spengler, buy the piece offered by them. The participants, however, remain incognito to one another, and even the artworks up for sale remain unseen by the collectors. Communication is conducted through chat, using only written verbal communication in a dialogue about visual phenomena. The collectors' prying questions and the strategies used by the gallerists tell a lot about the principles governing the art market. Meanwhile, visuality is successfully - or unsuccessfully - translated into linguistic structures before our eyes. The exhibition presents a video documenting the two bargainings and the encounter/exposure, as well as a "photograph" representing the text of the chat talks.

The neon piece Forget it, we can not afford this was inspired by an accidentally overheard fragment of a conversation between a married collector couple from abroad. Besides being characteristic of the (Hungarian) art market and the global economic situation, the sentence receives a highly self-reflexive undertone by being hung on the wall of Studio Gallery of all places. Stoyanov offers this work for sale, to invest the returns in saving Labor, a small gallery run by the Studio of Young Artists. By this gesture he wishes to demonstrate that he considers it unacceptable that the Hungarian art scene can not afford to maintain this venue.

The Come and take project explores the attractiveness of contemporary art, reflecting ironically on the indifferent attitude of the - wider - public. The irony, however, is aimed not as much at the man of the street who is less adept at art, as at the actors of the art scene. 
Stoyanov handed out 500 flyers around one of the major shopping centres in Budapest. The first three visitors to show up at the vernissage with the flyer will get a free copy of the limited edition video work Come and take. But will the time proven advertising trick succeed in the context of art? Will it lure new visitors to the exhibition? 

The artist, the curator and the Studio of Young Artists cordially invites all those interested to the opening of the exhibition. 

Studio Gallery
H-1077 Budapest, Rottenbiller u. 35. 
tel/fax: +36 1 342 53 80 
studio.c3.hu | studio at c3.hu 
Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday 16.00-20.00, Saturday 12.00-16.00

Kamen Stoyanov is a guest artist in Budapest of the Opening the Closed Shops international studio residency program realised in the cooperation of Akademie Schloss Solitude, József Attila Circle and ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange. 

ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange operates within the organisational framework of Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art.
www.acax.hu | www.ludwigmuseum.hu

Opening the Closed Shops programme partners:
Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart  |  www.akademie-solitude.de
CCA (Center for Contemporary Art) Ujazdowski Zamek, Warsawa | www.csw.art.pl 
József Attila Circle, Budapest | www.jozsefattilakor.hu
new media , Novi Sad | www.kuda.org
InterSpace Media Art Center, Sofia | www.i-space.org 

ACAX | Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Allianz Stiftung, Studio of Young Artists Association, Cultural Committee of the Budapest City Council, Hungart, Ludwig Museum–Museum of Contemporary Art, National Cultural Fund


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