[artinfo] new issue of transversal web journal: talks on translation

eipcp contact at eipcp.net
Wed Nov 5 23:20:47 CET 2008

   talks on translation

   transversal web journal

   "Talks on translation" is in fact a cluster of six interviews
   discussing the topic of translation from different angles: philosophy,
   cultural and literary theory, political activism, critical reflexion
   on migration, globalization, European integration, etc. The partners
   in the dialogues are a British philosophy professor curious about how
   modernism functions beyond its allegedly original context; an
   Indologist and feminist philosopher, herself a cosmopolitan migrant,
   speculating on the notion of mother tongue; a German cultural theorist
   who wrote a book about "cultural turns" (and a "translational turn"
   among them); an American professor of Slavic and Comparative
   literature who is the author of "A Manifesto of Cultural Translation";
   a theorist from Paris, director of the famous international journal of
   critical thought "Transeuropéennes" and political activist who
   reflects on translation in the context of European integration; a
   professor from Tamkang University (Taiwan), an ex-American living in
   East Asia, interested in heterolinguality and the phenomenon of broken
   languages. What do they all have in common? At least the fact that in
   each of their particular fields translation has a problem to solve.


   Boris Buden in conversation with:
   Doris Bachmann-Medick: Cultural Studies - A Translational Perspective
   Ghislaine Glasson Deschaumes: Europe - A Construction Site of
   Rada Ivekoviç: Place of Birth: Babel
   Tomislav Longinoviç: The Answer is in Translation
   Peter Osborne: Translation - Between Philosophy and Cultural Theory
   Jon Solomon / Hito Steyerl: Mission Imbpossible - Jon Solomon in
   Conversation with Hito Steyerl about the Project “DeriVeD"

   New texts in the issue “Borders, Nations, Translations":
   Boris Buden: A Tangent that Betrayed the Circle. On the Limits of
   Fidelity in Translation
   Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez: "Lost in Translation" -
   Transcultural Translation and Decolonialization of Knowledge
   Stefan Nowotny: The Multiple Faces of the "Civis". Is Citizenship
   Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: More Thoughts on Cultural Translation
   Michaela Wolf: Translation - Transculturation. Measuring the
   perspectives of transcultural political action

   eipcp - european institute for progressive cultural policies
   a-1060 vienna, gumpendorfer strasse 63b
   a-4040 linz, harruckerstrasse 7

   [3]contact at eipcp.net



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