[artinfo] Public Telephone | Call / Telefon Public | Apel
oberlist mailing list
ober at emdash.org
Sun May 4 17:09:27 CEST 2008
---citeste mai jos in Romana---
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Public Telephone | Open call
Open call for images and texts produced by the artists that represent or
describe the network of public telephons with the aim of collecting a Bank
of images of public telephones from different countries and regions of the
The public telephone is indispensable for urban public space. During the
last decade its importance was reduced and its position marginalized. Its
services are less and less accessed. In certain regions the identity of
the public phone is heavily modified, in other regions it is slowly but
surely disappearing from daily usage.
The Bank of images project has the intention to collect a series of
photographs of public phones searching to offer them a new identity. Feel
free to email any photos that are representing different telephones and
phone booths used accordingly to any other destination besides their
primary one, but also the public phones which are placed in different
contexts and thus acquiring a double sense in relation to that place to
the following address: gm at oberliht.org.md by mentioning the following:
Author’s name
Date and place where the picture was taken
The images should have at least 600 pixels on the short side and not
exceed 3 Mb in size.
If you are planning to write a text please express your own relation to
the public telephone by mentioning different situations, events,
statistics etc. related to the public telephone.
The deadline is May 18, 2008 (date of reception).
The received materials will go through a selection process in order to be
presented in the mObile gallery: http://www.oberliht.org.md/GM.html
for more detailes don’t hesitate to write us to: gm at oberliht.org.md
mObile gallery
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Telefon Public | Apel de participare
Se solicita imagini si texte produse de artisti ce reprezinta sau descriu
reteaua de telefonie publica astfel formindu-se o Banca de imagini cu
telefoane publice din diferite tari si regiuni ale lumii.
Telefonul public reprezinta un accesoriu indispensabil spatiului public in
particular celui urban. In ultimii ani acesta este marginalizat din ce in
ce mai mult, iar serviciile lui sint accesate de catre populatie din ce in
ce mai rar. In unele zone telefonul public si-a modificat radical
identitatea sau e pe cale de disparitie, riscind sa fie eliminat
totalmente din uzul cotidian.
Proiectul Banca de imagini isi propune sa acumuleze o serie de fotografii
care s-ar axa pe identificarea unei noi identitati a telefonului ce se
regaseste in spatiul public. Imaginile cu diverse telefoane si cabine
telefonice folosite conform altor destinatii decit celei initial
preconizate precum si telefoanele ce se regasesc in diverse contexte,
astfel generind un dublu sens in relatie cu locul in care se afla vor fi
expediate la adresa gm at oberliht.org.md mentionindu-se urmatoarele date:
Numele autorului
Locul unde se afla telefonul
Data fotografierii
Imaginile trebuie sa aiba minimul 600 pixels pe latura scurta si sa nu
depaseasca dimensiunea de 3 Mb.
Autorii de texte sint invitati sa-si exprime relatia sa personala fata de
telefonul public, mentionind diverse situatii, intimplari, statistici etc.
legate de telefonul public.
Textele pot fi scrise in limbile romana, engleza, rusa, franceza si nu
trebuie sa depaseasca 150 cuvinte. Textele scrise vor fi expediate prin
email la adresa: gm at oberliht.org.md
Data limita pentru expedierea imaginilor si textelor este 18 mai 2008
(data receptionarii).
Materialele expediate vor fi selectate pentru a fi prezentate in galeria
pentru mai multe detalii nu ezitati sa ne scrieti la: gm at oberliht.org.md
galeria mObila
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
. . . . . . . . . . .
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