[artinfo] Europa Vostra_holnap a Trafoban

Nikolett Eross nikol at trafo.hu
Thu Mar 6 14:32:53 CET 2008

English below

A Trafo Galeria

a *LOW* Flamand-Holland Kulturalis Fesztival kereteben



a brusszeli *Etablissement d'en Face* projektje

Reszt vevo muveszek:

*Jos De Gruyter & Harald Thys, Geert De Mot, David Evrard, *

*Arnaud Hendrickx, Joost Schouppe, *

*Michael Van den Abeele es Freek Wambacq*

*Megnyito: 2008. marcius 7, 18h*

*A megnyiton fuggetlensegi autoverseny, fuvoszenekar es ugro-performansz*


2008. marcius 7 – aprilis 13.

Az Europa VOSTRA (a ti Europatok) cim egy tehetos holgyekbol, joreszt az 
Europa Parlament burokratainak felesegeibol allo szervezet, az Europa 
NOSTRA (a mi Europank) nevebol szarmazik, amelynek kereteben az emlitett 
holgyek ferjeik tavolleteben mintegy unalomuzesbol talalkoznak, hogy az 
europai kulturalis orokseg megorzesenek vedelmere keljenek.Kepzeljuk el 
amint ez a hazias foglalatossag megfekezi az Europan keresztulsopro 
konzervativ es regressziv politikat, ahol nemzetek tunnek el es regiok 
vallnak eroditmenyekhez hasonlatossa. E gondoskodas egyetlen celja, hogy 
a terseget egy kezelheto allokepkent mutassa be.A kiallitas cimeben a 
„ti” mindezt megforditja, a mi nyakunkba sozza, kezdjunk ezzel a 
foldhalommal valamit, ha tudunk.Ahelyett, hogy feltorekvo belga muveszek 
munkaival allna elo, az Europa Vostra kiallitas egyfajta osszmuveszeti 
alkotas, amelyben nehez megtalalni az alkotoi individuumokat.A Trafo 
Galeriaba berendezett helyszin az emlitett kozepkorias kepzeletvilagra 
utal, a saros piacter maradvanyaira vagy a nyugati civilizacio mas 
porfedte relikviaira.
Az installacio kozpontja egy fold boritotta autos versenypalya, amelyen 
betontombok jelolnek ki iranyokat es valnak kulonbozo szobrok 
hordozoiva. A palyan az antik olumpiai futoversenyek startkove is 
megjelenik, valamint talalkozhatunk egy keritessel korbevett arkadiai 
tajjal, melyet ugralo felnottek nepesitenek be egy mai tancot 
gyakorolva. Egy oles soroshordoban egy majdnem camera obscura, egy godor 
kiasasanak sotetbe veszo kepeit vetiti, a mindent es mindenkit 
egysegesen semlegesito es egybemoso barna falak hatarolta teret pedig 
borzongato hideg fenyu utcai lampak vilagitjak be.

A megnyito ejszakajan a Ti Europatok szorakoztatni akar, ezert 
fuggetlensegi autoversenyt, fúvoszenekart es ugro-performanszot rendez.


Trafo Gallery

in the frame of LOW Flemish-Dutch Cultural Festival


*Europa VOSTRA*

a project by the Brussels-based artist run space *Etablissement d'en Face*

O*pening: 7 March, 2008, 6pm*

*independency-rally with miniature cars, a concert with brass-band, 

On view: 7 March – 13 April, 2008

Participating artists: *Jos De Gruyter & Harald Thys, Geert De Mot, 
David Evrard, Arnaud Hendrickx, Joost Schouppe, Michael Van den Abeele 
and Freek Wambacq*

The title 'Europa VOSTRA' is based upon the existing organisation 
'EUROPA NOSTRA', which is an organisation consisting of rather rich 
women, mainly the wives of rich eurocrats (European Parliament 
bureaucrats). In order not to get bored while their husbands are at work 
in the European parliament, they gather frequently at each other’s 
house. Their main occupation is putting up commissions for the 
restoration and conservation of the European heritage.

One could imagine this domestic activities control the conservative and 
regressive politics spreading throughout Europe, where nations disappear 
and regions see the daylight like medieval fortresses. Their only 
objective is to see it that at the end everything comes to a stand 
still. The ‘VOSTRA’ is handing it back. Reducing everything to a mass, a 
heap of mud. Rather than presenting a fine selection of coming artists 
from Belgium, Europa VOSTRA appears as a ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’ in which it 
is difficult to distinguish the individual works, or their authors. The 
scenery in Trafo will refer to the aforementioned medieval imagery like 
the relics of a market place full of mud with and other relics of 
western civilisation. The centre of the installation is a muddy 
race-track for miniature cars. Throughout the circuit, structures made 
out of concrete blocks serve as supports for various sculptures, like 
the marble starter-lines used for the original Greek Olympic games. 
Animation-movies show an Arcadian gated landscape inhabited by 
adolescent jumpers introducing a contemporary line-dance. A beer-barrel 
shows a magic lantern show of the obscure excavation of a hole.A classic 
street-lamp with creepy cold light illuminates the whole space of which 
the walls are painted in brown, uniting and reducing us to the same thing.

On the night of the opening, Europa VOSTRA will offer an 
all-entertaining program, featuring an independency-rally with the 
miniature cars, a concert with brass-band and a dance-performance.

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