[artinfo] Fwd: In Memoriam: Nan Hoover

stephen kovats kovats at transmediale.de
Thu Jun 12 11:04:19 CEST 2008

Dear all,

one of the great pioneers of video and electronic art Nan Hoover 
passed away Monday in Berlin. Montevideo/TBA (Amsterdam) has set up a 
'condolences site' for anybody to leave a personal message:

Nan Hoover in Memoriam

Condoleance book: http://www.condoleance.nl/registers/register_10254.html

Best regards,


Begin forwarded message:

>From: Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst <info at nimk.nl>
>Date: 11. Juni 2008 21:09:57 GMT+02:00
>Nan Hoover
>New York, May 12, 1931 - Berlin, June 9, 2008
>It is with deepest sadness that we bid farewell to Nan Hoover. Dear 
>Nan, you were one of the most important international pioneers of 
>video and performance art. You came to Amsterdam for a vacation, 
>fell in love with the city and decided to stay.
>With your video art you revealed the beauty of light, stillness and 
>time. You have left us with the memories of your spontaneity, your 
>warmth and sharp eye for the work of your colleagues and students - 
>and of course your oeuvre, preserved in museums and many collections.
>A special memorial is organized for Nan Hoover on June 20th at the 
>Netherlands Media Art Institute, Keizersgracht 264, Amsterdam from 
>5:00 - 7:00 pm. For questions and/or details please contact us via 
>Heiner Holtappels Director, Netherlands Media Art Institute
>For all the staff of the Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/TBA
>Nederlands Instituut voor Mediakunst /
>Netherlands Media Art Institute
>Keizersgracht 264
>NL-1016 EV Amsterdam

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